resemblance of these curiosities, which is performed, when we do in a book, as in a glass, reserve the history of our departed friends; and by bringing our warm affections unto such an history, we revive, as it were, out of their ashes the true shape of those friends, and bring to a fresh view what was memorable and imitable in them."
199. Merino Sheep.
Fernan Gomez de Cibdareal, in one of his Letters (Epist. 73) mentions a dispute between two Spaniards concerning rank, in the presence of Juan II. 1437. It was objected tauntingly to one of them, that he was descended from a Judge of the Shepherds, that is, Juez de la mesta y Pastoria Real. The reply was, that this office had always been held by hidalgos of great honour. Y que el Rey D. Alfonso, quando se traxeron las primera vez en las naves carracas las pecoras de Ingalaterra a España, principió este oficio en