Page:Omnibuses and Cabs.djvu/191

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Pirate Omnibuses

but a very short time when the pirates were repainted and lettered in close imitation of its omnibuses. They have continued to imitate them, but not always with impunity, ever since, and many thousands of people have entered pirates firmly believing they were the Company's vehicles. Nine or ten years ago the pirates' audacity in imitating the general appearance of the London General omnibuses was at its height, and certainly the imitations of their decoration and lettering were excellent enough to deceive all but the very wary. Unable to paint "London General Omnibus Company. Limited," on their panels, they had in its place some inscription which might, at a glance, be taken for it The favourite one was "London General Post Office, Lothbury."

There, are also many pirates who lure passengers into their omnibuses by having them painted to resemble the London Road Car Company's vehicles.

The pirate is naturally of a roving disposition, and by no means restricts itself to one route: a "Kilburn" may be seen at Blackwall, or a "Bayswater" at Bethnal Green. But Oxford Circus is the place best loved by pirates, and any day of the week they can be seen walking