Page:Omnibuses and Cabs.djvu/78

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Omnibuses and Cabs

6. Always bawls out "All right!" before the passengers have taken their seats, by which gross carelessness great inconvenience and even danger are often occasioned.

But it was not only of the drivers and conductors that the public complained. The officials at the inquiry offices stationed at the starting-point of each line, were denounced as being utterly unfitted for the positions they occupied. All were rude, and most of them possessed but little intelligence. One afternoon, about twenty minutes past four, a gentleman entered the omnibus office at the George and Blue Boar, Holborn and inquired of the clerk whether omnibuses started from there to a certain railway-station.

"Yes," was the reply.

"At what hours?"

"One hour before each train."

"Then I'm just in time to catch the 5.30 one."

"It's all down in writing on that there board."

The traveller turned to the board, and, finding the 5.30 train entered upon it, went out into the street to await the arrival of the omnibus. But