Mean Peking time | |
the entrance of the sun in the sign Yeo of the zodiac | April 20 7h 12m P.M. |
Newmoon | April 21 9 | 41 P.M.
Newmoon | May 21 1 | 36 P.M.
the entrance of the sun in the sign Shen of the zodiac | May 21 7 | 6 P.M.
During the Lunation April 21 9h 41 P.M. until May 21 1h 36m P.M. the sun did not enter in a new sign of the zodiac; it was during the whole Lunation in the sign Yeo and had not passed over an even tsie-khi, but only over the odd tsie-khi Li Hia, the 7th tsie-khi of our table (25).
For this reason, the Lunation April 28 until May 20 in the Chinese calendar for the Chinese year, commencing in 1879 A.D., received the No3, the same as the antecedent month and was the intercalary month.
The standard scale of the Chinese Chronology is the cycle of 60 years, similar to the Julian period of 1980 years.
The first year of the first sexagesimal cycle was the year 2637 B.C. or −2637, and the 57th year of the 44th cycle corresponds to −1 or 1 B.C.; the 58th year of the 44th cycle corresponds to +1 or 1 A.D. and the first year of the 76th cycle to +1864 or 1864 A.D.
As the Chinese Newyear occurs between the 21 January and 20 February the Chinese twelfth month occurs always partly, sometimes entirely in the next European year; likewise the Chinese eleventh month sometimes extends into the next European year. It further follows, that the No of the European month, if January has No1,February No2 etc. is mostly by 1, sometimes by 2 greater than the No of the Chinese month, sometimes equal to that of the latter.
If given the Chinese sexagesimal cycle and the year of this cycle and if we require the year of the Christian era, which has in common with at least 10 months, we find,
when negative or for all time before and equal to the 57th year of the 44th cycle
and, when positive or for all time after and equal to the 58th year of the 44th cycle,
Vice versa, when given and required and , we get, if negative,
and the rule to find and is thus: if 60 in is contained times and the remainder is , we have the identical equations
Equation (28) therefore the required |
Equation (29) and the required„ |
When positive, we obtain from equation (27):