Page:On the Central South African Tribes from the South Coast to the Zambesi.pdf/16

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E. Holub.—On the Central South African Tribes

The second Bamangwato tribes differ from these, inasmuch as they are more fishers than agriculturists. They fish especially in the Zooga River and in the Lake N’Game water and its tributaries. Altogether they have more similarity with the tribes living to the north. In the eastern Bamangwato country we have altogether six tribes, the real Bamangwato, and then the Makalakas, as refugees from Matabela land, who have been residing in the town of Shoshong in large numbers. They have behaved badly, having taken both sides in the contest between Sekhomo and his son Khama. Besides these we find the Madenassena, a native tribe with very dark skin. Their language has a similarity to that of the Masarwas, and therefore with that of the Bushmen. Besides the Masarwas, which are a link between the Banthu and the Bushmen, we find a tribe near the Victoria Falls called the Manansa. At present there are only a few villages there, but up to 1837 they formed a large kingdom, which was destroyed by Moselikatse. The Manansa Fig. 1.
are a very peaceful tribe, and are entirely different from the Betchuanas, notwithstanding that they belong to the Banthu