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Books by Katherine M. Yates

Marjorie and the Dream series


Price 50 cents each. By mail 54 cents each.

The Books are bound in Boards and printed with individual Cover Designs in two and three colors.

The plan adopted in this series is to convey in simple allegorical style certain fundamental truths. Each tale is complete in itself. Although written in fairy tale fashion, they are read even more widely by adults than by children, since the allegories are such as appeal to every really thinking mind, and the simplicity of expression tends to strengthen the appeal. Mrs. Yates has received hundreds of letters from little folks telling how they have applied the ideas and a large number from grown persons who know and love the stories.

The Grey Story Book. Price 50 cents. By mail 54 cents. Board binding.

Eight stories, written primarily for children. It has found many appreciative friends among older people as well.

Chet. Price $1.00. By mail $1.10. Cloth binding, 345 pages, illustrated.

A volume that is worth your special consideration; its object being to correct a large number of false conceptions held by many, relative to what Christian Scientists really believe. It is for young and old.

What the Pine Tree Heard. Price 50 cents. By mail 54 cents. Cardboard binding with design in three colors.

A sweet little story, earnest in sentiment and full of the confidence of a "Lover of the Truth." It is one of the most popular of Mrs. Yates' books.

Cheery and the Chum. Price 50 cents. By mail 60 cents. Board binding, cover design in four colors.

Distinctively a book for little folks. Wholesome and sweet. It perfectly fills the demand for a book a mother can read to her little ones without having to skip or excuse error.

Any Time. Price 25 cents. By mail 27 cents. Paper edition.

If you feel you have not enough time to read and study all that you would wish, it will be well worth while to spend ten minutes reading this refreshing book. It is a charming little allegory. It will make you think. And perhaps when you have read it you will find that you have more time than you think.

From Cell to Sunlight. Price 25 cents. By mail 27 cents. Paper edition.

Another of Mrs. Yates' inimitable little allegories. It is not new, having appeared some years ago in The Christian Science Sentinel. Its theme is that of a man's seeming imprisonment under the supposed laws of mortal mind, and his release through the proven futility of these laws and their impotence in the face of truth recognized.

The Questions of My Friend. Price 25 cents. By mail 27 cents. Paper edition. Cover printed in three colors.

This thesis, reprinted because of many requests, appeals to those who find it difficult to answer wisely questions put to them as to what Christian Scientists actually do believe, and the reason for some of their actions. It is practical, good-natured and friendly, answering with definiteness such questions as our friends often ask.

Buy these from your bookseller. If he hasn't them, order direct from
The Harmony Shop, 38 West Street, Boston