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Page:On the Magnet - Gilbert (1900 translation of 1600 work).djvu/160

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mediate lamina is not touched either by the iron or the stone. And these changes of verticity take place in smelted iron. Indeed what the one pole of the stone implants and excites, the other disturbs and extinguishes, and confers a new force. For it does not require a stronger loadstone to take away the weaker and sluggish virtue and to implant the new one; nor is iron inebriated by the equal strength of loadstones, and made utterly uncertain and neutral, as Baptista Porta teaches; but by one and the same loadstone, or by loadstones endowed with equal power and might, its strength is, in accordance with magnetick rules, turned round and changed, excited, repaired, or disturbed. But a loadstone itself, by being rubbed on another, whether a larger or a more powerful stone, is not disturbed from its own property and verticity, nor does it turn round toward the opposite direction in its boat, or to the other pole opposite to that to which it inclines by its own nature and implanted verticity. For strength which is innate and has been implanted for a very long time abides more firmly, nor does it easily yield from its ancient holding; and that which has grown for a long time is not all of a sudden brought to nothing, without the destruction of the substance containing it. Nevertheless in a long interval of time a change * does take place; in one year, that is to say, or two, or sometimes in a few months; doubtless when a weaker loadstone remains lying by a stronger one contrary to the order of nature, namely, with the northern pole of one loadstone adjoined to the northern pole of another, or the southern to the southern. For so the weaker strength gradually declines with the lapse of time.


On the Rubbing of a piece of Iron on a Loadstone
in places midway between the poles, and upon
the æquinoctial of a terrella.

Select a piece of iron wire of three digits length, not touched by a loadstone (but it will be better if its acquired verticity be rather weak or have been damaged in some way); touch it and rub it on the æquator of a terrella, exactly on the æquinoctial line in the direction of its length, on the one end, or the ends only, or in all its parts; place the wire touched in this * way on water in a cork fitted for it; it will swim about doubtfully on the waves without any acquired verticity, and the verticity previously implanted will be disturbed. If, however, it float by chance toward the poles, it will be checked a little by the poles of the earth, and will at length by the influence of the earth be indued with verticity.