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Page:One Hundred English Folksongs (1916).djvu/109

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music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "VOICE" } <<
        \omit Score.BarNumber
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                % melody, main voice
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative a' {
                        \slurDown \tieDown
                        \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
                        \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
                        \tempo "Allegretto espressivo"
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 140
                        \clef treble \key g \minor
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat volta 3 {
                            % page 59, line 1
                            g4 g8 f4 e8 |
                            \tieDown d4. ~ d4 e8 |
                            f4 ~ f8 f4 f16( f) |
                            f4( g8) a8.( g16) f8 |
                            % page 59, line 2
                            g4 e8 c4 c8 |
                            c4. bf4( c8) |
                            d4 d8 \stemDown d'4 c8 |
                            \stemUp f,4( a8) \stemDown c4 d8 |
                            % page 59, line 3
                            \stemUp g,4 a8 g4 a8 |
                            g4 f8 d4 e8 |
                            f4 g8 f4 d8 |
                            c4. bf4 c8 |
                        % page 59, line 4
                        \alternative {
                                d g4 ~ g r8
                                \partial 8*5 r4 r8 r4
                                d8 g4 ~ g r8 |
                                R2. |
                                R |
                                R \fermata \bar ".|"
                    % lyrics, stanzas 1 and 2
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 59
                        fear4 you’ve8 done4 me8 harm,4. __4
                        You’ve8 mar4 -- ried8 me4 to16 a16 bon4 -- ny8 boy,8. but16 I8 fear4 he8 is4 too8 young.4.
                        O4 __8 daugh4 -- ter,8 dear4 -- est8 daugh4. -- ter,4 but8 if4 you8 stay4 at8 home4 with8 me4
                        A8 La4 -- dy8 you4 shall8 be,4. while4 he’s8 grow8 -- ing.4 __4
                        _8 _4. _4
                        ev8 -- er.4 __4
                    } }
                    % lyrics, stanzas 3 and 4
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 59
                        was4 a8 mar4 -- ried8 man,4. __4
                        At16 the16 age4 of8 sev4 -- en8 -- teen4.
                        He8. was16 the8 fa4 -- ther8 of4 a8 son,4.
                        At4 the8 age4. of8 eight8 -- een4 my8 Love,4 his8 grave4 it8 was4 a8 -- grow4 -- ing8 green,4
                        And8 so4 she8 saw4 the8 end4. of4 his8 grow8 -- ing.4 __4
                    } }
                    % lyrics, stanzas 5 and 6
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 59
                        in4 his8 grave4 doth8 lie,4. __4
                        The8 green4 __8 grass4 that’s8 o4 -- ver8 him8. __16 it8 grow4 -- eth8 up4 so8 high.4.
                        O4 __8 once4 I8 had4 a8 sweet4. -- heart,4 but8 now4 I8 have4 got8 nev8 -- er8 a8 one,4
                        So8 fare4 you8 well,4 my8 own4 true8 Love,4 for8
                    } }
                >> }
                % melody, alt voice
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative d' {
                        \clef treble \key g \minor
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat volta 3 {
                            % page 59, line 1
                            s2. |
                            s4. s4 \stemDown e16 e |
                            s4. s4 f8 |
                            s2. |
                            % page 59, line 2
                            s |
                            s |
                            d4. s |
                            s2. |
                            % page 59, line 3
                            s |
                            g8 g s s4. |
                            s2. |
                            c,4 c8 s4. |
                        % page 59, line 4
                        \alternative {
                                s2. |
                                \partial 8*5 s4. s4
                                s2. |
                                s |
                                s |
                                s ||
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "PIANO" } <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                % piano, treble clef, voice 1
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative d'' {
                        \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
                        \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
                        \clef treble \key g \minor
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat volta 3 {
                            % page 59, line 1
                            \stemUp \slurUp d,4 \stemDown <d' bf>8 \stemUp f,4( \stemDown c'8) |
                            \stemUp d,4( \stemDown bf'8) \stemUp e,4( \stemDown c'8) |
                            \stemUp a4( \stemDown c8 a'4 c,8) |
                            \stemUp a4( c8 a'4 c,8) |
                            % page 59, line 2
                            \stemUp g4( \stemDown c8 g'4 c,8 |
                            \stemUp g4 c,8) bf4( c8 |
                            d4 g8) bf4.( |
                            c4. \mordent a4.) |
                            % page 59, line 3
                            d,4( g8 \stemDown e'4 \stemUp g,8) |
                            d4( a'8 \stemDown f'4) r8 |
                            \stemUp <d bf f>2.( |
                            <c a f c>4.) \stemDown <f bf, f> |
                        % page 59, line 4
                        \alternative {
                                r4 \stemUp <g, d bf>8 r4 <g d bf>8 |
                                \partial 8*5 r4 <g d bf>8 r4
                                bf'4 \mordent \sfz \> ( g8 g4) d8 \! ( |
                                a'4 \sfz f8) f4 \> ( d8 \! |
                                <c g>4 \dim g8) g4 e8( |
                                g d'4 ~ d4. \fermata) ||
                >> }
                % piano, treble clef, voice 2
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative e' {
                        \clef treble \key g \minor
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat volta 3 {
                            % page 59, line 1
                            s2. |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            % page 59, line 2
                            s |
                            s |
                            s4. \stemDown \slurDown f4( e8) |
                            <f c>2. \mordent |
                            % page 59, line 3
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                        % page 59, line 4
                        \alternative {
                                s |
                                \partial 8*5 s4. s4
                                <d' g,>2. \mordent |
                                <d a>4. a4 bf8 |
                                s2. |
                                d,2. ||
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                % piano, bass clef, voice 1
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative bf {
                        \clef bass \key g \minor
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat volta 3 {
                            % page 59, line 1
                            \stemDown \slurUp bf4( g8) a4( \stemUp a,8) |
                            bf4( \stemDown f'8) \stemUp c4( \stemDown c'8) |
                            f,4( c'8 f4 c8) |
                            f,4( c'8 f4 c8) |
                            % page 59, line 2
                            \stemUp c,4( \stemDown g'8 e'4 g,8 |
                            e4 \stemUp c8) g4( \stemDown d'8 |
                            bf'4.) \stemUp d4( c8) |
                            a4. \mordent f |
                            % page 59, line 3
                            e4( bf'8 d4 bf8) |
                            f4( a8 d4) r8 |
                            bf4.( d,) |
                            \stemUp <f f,> <d d,> |
                        % page 59, line 4
                        \alternative {
                                g,( \stemDown g') |
                                \partial 8*5 \stemUp g,( \stemDown g'4)
                                \stemUp <g d g,>2. \mordent |
                                \stemDown <f' a, d,>4. \mordent <d f,>4( <f bf,>8 |
                                <e c>4.) r4 r8 |
                                <bf d, g,>2. \fermata \mordent ||
                >> }
                % piano, bass clef, voice 2
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative e {
                        \clef bass \key g \minor
                        \time 6/8
                        \repeat volta 3 {
                            % page 59, line 1
                            s2. |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            % page 59, line 2
                            s |
                            s |
                            s4. \stemDown g |
                            <c, f,>2. \mordent |
                            % page 59, line 3
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                        % page 59, line 4
                        \alternative {
                                s |
                                \partial 8*5 s4. s4 
                                s2. |
                                s |
                                s |
                                s ||
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Measure_spanner_engraver
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }