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Page:One Hundred English Folksongs (1916).djvu/285

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One man shall mow my meadow

Collected and arranged by
Cecil J. Sharp

music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "VOICE" } <<
        \omit Score.BarNumber
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                % melody, main voice
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
                        \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
                        \tempo "Allegretto"
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 120
                        \clef treble \key g \major
                        \time 6/8
                        % line 1
                        R2. |
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            ^\markup{\musicglyph "scripts.segno"}
                            \stemUp \slurUp \tieUp
                            r4 r8 r4 d8 |
                            g4 a8 b4 a8 |
                            g g4 ~ g d8 |
                            % line 2
                            g4 a8 \stemDown b16 b b8 \stemUp a |
                            g g4 ~ g r8 ^\markup{\bold{*)}} |
                            b4 a8 b4 a8 |
                            \stemDown b4 c8 d4 d8 |
                            % line 3
                            e4 d8 c4 b8 |
                            c4 b8 \stemUp a4 g8 |
                            \stemDown b b \stemUp a g4 fs8 |
                            g g4 ~ g r8 ^\markup{\italic{D.S.}}
                        R2. |
                        r4 r8 r4 \fermata \bar "|."
                    % lyrics, stanza 1
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        _2. _4. _4
                        \set stanza = #"1. "
                        One8 man4 shall8 mow4 my8 mead8 -- ow4 __4
                        Two8 men4 shall8 gath16 -- er16 it8 to8 -- geth8 -- er4 __4 _8
                        Two4 men,8 one4 man8 and4 one8 more4
                        Shall8 shear4 my8 lambs4 and8 ewes4 and8 rams,4
                        And8 gath8 -- er8 my8 gold4 to8 -- geth8 -- er.4 __4
                    } }
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "PIANO" } <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                % piano, treble clef, voice 1
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
                        \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
                        \clef treble \key g \major
                        \time 6/8
                        \stemUp \slurDown \tieDown
                        b4 \p ( d8 c4 d8) |
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            b4( d8 c4 d8) |
                            b4( d8 c4 d8) |
                            b4( d8 c4 d8) |
                            % line 2
                            b4( d8 c4 d8) |
                            b4 d8 c4 a'8 |
                            \slurUp <b d,>4.( <b e,> |
                            <b e,>4 \< <c d,>8 <d g,>4) \! b8( |
                            % line 3
                            e,4 \mf g8 a4 e8 |
                            d4 g8 e4.) |
                            \tieUp d4. ~ d |
                            b4 \> ( d8 c4 d8) \! ^\markup{\italic{D.S.}} |
                        b4 ^\markup{\italic{Last time}} \> ( d8 c4 d8) |
                        r4 \! r8 \stemDown <g' b,>4 \fermata \p ||
                >> }
                % piano, treble clef, voice 2
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c' {
                        \clef treble \key g \major
                        \time 6/8
                        % line 1
                        s2. |
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            % line 2
                            s |
                            s4. \stemDown c |
                            s2. |
                            s |
                            \tieDown \slurUp \stemDown
                            e4. ~ e4 \stemUp e8 |
                            \stemDown d4. e4 c8( |
                            d4.) c |
                            s2. |
                        s |
                        s4. s4 ||
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                % piano, bass clef, voice 1
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key g \major
                        \time 6/8
                        % line 1
                        \stemUp \slurUp \tieUp
                        g4( \stemDown d'8 a'4 d,8) |
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            \stemUp g,4( \stemDown d'8 g4 d8) |
                            \stemUp g,4( \stemDown d'8 a'4 d,8) |
                            \stemUp g,4( \stemDown d'8 g4 fs8) |
                            % line 2
                            \stemUp g,4( \stemDown d'8 a'4 d,8) |
                            \stemUp g,4 \stemDown d'8 e4 fs8 |
                            g4. <g e> |
                            \stemUp g4 fs8 \stemDown <g b,>4. |
                            % line 3
                            \stemUp e,4( \stemDown e'8) \stemUp a,4( \stemDown e'8) |
                            \stemUp b4( \stemDown g'8) \stemUp c,4( \stemDown g'8) |
                            d4.( \stemUp d,) |
                            g4( \stemDown d'8 a'4 d,8) |
                        \stemUp g,4( \stemDown d'8 g4 fs8 |
                        \stemUp g,4) r8 \stemDown <d'' g,>4 \fermata ||
                >> }
                % piano, bass clef, voice 2
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key g \major
                        \time 6/8
                        % line 1
                        s2. |
                        \repeat segno 2 {
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            % line 2
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                            \stemDown c4. s |
                            % line 3
                            s2. |
                            s |
                            s |
                            s |
                        s |
                        s4. s4 ||
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Measure_spanner_engraver
      \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }
2.Three men shall mow my meadow,Four men shall gather it together,Four men, three men, two men, one man, and one more,Shall shear my lambs and ewes and rams,And gather my fold together.
3.Five men shall mow my meadow,Six men shall gather it together,Six men, five men, four men, three men, two men, one man, and one more,Shall shear my lambs and ewes and rams,And gather my fold together.
(And so on ad lib.)

*) This measure must be played twice in the 2nd verse, three times in the 3rd verse, and so on.

Copyright MCMXVI by Oliver Ditson Company