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Page:One Hundred English Folksongs (1916).djvu/71

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music = {
    \language "english"
    { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "VOICE" } <<
        \omit Score.BarNumber
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
                % melody, main voice
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative e' {
                        \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
                        \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
                        \tempo "Allegretto"
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 120
                        \clef treble \key e \major
                        \time 5/4
                        \stemUp \slurDown \tieDown
                        \partial 4
                        % page 21, line 1
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                            e8 \p [( fs)] |
                            gs4 gs gs( fs) e |
                            gs b e,2 \stemDown \slurUp b'4 |
                            cs4. ds8 e2 cs4 |
                            \time 4/4
                            cs b2 b4 \cresc |
                            % page 21, line 2
                            \time 5/4
                            cs ds e \f ( ds) cs |
                            b \stemUp gs fs2 gs8 \dim [( fs)] |
                            e4 gs b2 \p e,4 |
                            fs e2. ||
                    % lyrics, stanzas 1 and 5
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 21
                        \set stanza = #"5. "
                        If8 __8 you4 look4 up4 __4 at4 my4 bed4 -- head2
                        You8 will8 see4. my8 watch2 a4 -- hang4 -- ing;2
                        Here’s4 my4 gold4 ring4 __4 and4 my4 gold4 chain2
                        I8 __8 give4 to4 Bar2 -- b’ra4 El4 -- len.2.
                    } }
                    % lyrics, stanzas 2 and 6
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 21
                        \set stanza = #"6. "
                        If8 __8 you4 look4 down2 at4 my4 bed’s4 -- foot2
                        You8 will8 see4. a8 bowl2 a4 -- stand4 -- ing,2
                        And4 in4 it4 is4 __4 the4 blood4 I’ve4 shed2
                        For8 the8 sake4 of4 Bar2 -- b’ra4 El4 -- len.2.
                    } }
                    % lyrics, stanzas 3 and 7
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 21
                        \set stanza = #"7. "
                        As8 __8 I4 was4 walk2 -- ing4 down4 the4 fields,2
                        I4 heard4. some8 birds2 a4 -- sing4 -- ing;2
                        And4 as4 they4 sang4 __4 they4 seem’d4 to4 say:2
                        Hard8 __8 heart4 -- ed4 Bar2 -- b’ra4 El4 -- len.2.
                    } }
                    % lyrics, stanzas 4 and 8
                    \new Lyrics \with { associatedVoice = "VOICE" } { \lyricmode {
                        % page 21
                        \set stanza = #"8. "
                        As8 __8 I4 was4 walk2 -- ing4 down4 the4 lane,2
                        I4 heard4. some8 bells2 a4 -- tol4 -- ling;2
                        as4 they4 toll’d4 __4 they4 seem’d4 to4 say:2
                        Hard8 __8 heart4 -- ed4 Bar2 -- b’ra4 El4 -- len.2.
                    } }
                >> }
                % melody, alt voice
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative b' {
                        \clef treble \key e \major
                        \time 5/4
                        \stemDown \slurUp \tieUp
                        \partial 4
                        % page 21, line 1
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                            s4 |
                            s4*5 |
                            s1 \stemUp b8 b |
                            s4*5 |
                            \time 4/4
                            s1 |
                            % page 21, line 2
                            \time 5/4
                            s4*5 |
                            s1 \stemDown gs8 fs |
                            s4*5 |
                            s1 ||
                >> }
        { \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "PIANO" } <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                % piano, treble clef, voice 1
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative e' {
                        \override DynamicTextSpanner.dash-period = #-1
                        \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #1.5
                        \clef treble \key e \major
                        \time 5/4
                        \partial 4
                        % page 21, line 1
                        \slurUp \tieDown
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                            gs,8 ~ ( b |
                            e2 cs4 ds e |
                            <gs b,>2 <e gs,>) <gs b,>4( |
                            <a e cs> <fs ds b> b gs a |
                            \time 4/4
                            <a e cs> ~ <gs e b>2) <ds b>4 \cresc ( |
                            % page 21, line 2
                            \time 5/4
                            \tieUp <e cs> ~ <fs ds> e8 \f gs a2 |
                            <gs e>4 <e b> fs4. \dim) a8([ gs a] |
                            <b e, b>2 <gs ds b> _\markup{\dynamic{p} \italic{colla voce}} <e cs gs>4 |
                            <fs a,> <e b gs>2. ||
                >> }
                % piano, treble clef, voice 2
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative ds' {
                        \clef treble \key e \major
                        \time 5/4
                        \stemDown \slurDown \tieDown
                        \partial 4
                        % page 21, line 1
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                            s4 |
                            r gs,8( b) a4 b2 |
                            e4 ds ds( cs) ds |
                            s2 <e b> <e cs>4 |
                            \time 4/4
                            s1 |
                            % page 21, line 2
                            \time 5/4
                            s4 cs8 bs cs4 ~ cs8[ ds( e fs)] |
                            s2 <e cs> <ds b>4 |
                            s4*5 |
                            cs8( ds) s2. ||
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                % piano, bass clef, voice 1
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative b, {
                        \clef bass \key e \major
                        \time 5/4
                        \stemUp \slurDown \tieDown
                        \partial 4
                        % page 21, line 1
                        \repeat volta 2 {
                            r4 |
                            r e,8( gs) a2 gs8( fs) |
                            e4 gs cs2 b4 |
                            a2 gs4( e) a8( cs) |
                            \time 4/4
                            \stemDown \slurUp e4.( fs8 gs4) b |
                            % page 21, line 2
                            \time 5/4
                            a( gs) \stemUp \slurDown cs, a8[( b cs ds)] |
                            \stemDown \slurUp e4 gs a( fs) b8( a) |
                            gs4( e) \stemUp \slurDown gs,( b) cs |
                            b <b e,>2. ||
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
    >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Measure_spanner_engraver
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }
9.As I was walking up the grovesAnd met his corpse a-coming:Stay, stay, said she, and stop awhile,That I may gaze all on you.
10.The more she gazed, the more she smiled,Till she burst out a-laughing;And her parents cried out: Fie, for shame,Hard hearted Barb’ra Ellen.
11.Come, mother, come, make up my bed,Make it both long and narrow;My true love died for me yesterday,I’ll die for him tomorrow.
12.And he was buried in Edmonstone,And she was buried in Cold Harbour;And out of him sprang roses red,And out of her sweet briar.
13.It grew and grew so very highTill it could grow no higher;And around the top growed a true lover’s knotAnd around it twined sweet-briar.