Page:One hundred & one sandwiches.djvu/55

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(Symbol missingsymbol characters) PAYSANNE

SCRAPE raw beef and season with pepper, salt, and a little onion-juice. Spread on plain bread, and after the sandwiches are made broil them over bright coals until thoroughly heated through. Serve hot.


COOK calf's liver in just enough water to cover it. When it is tender mash it with a wooden spoon, and season with sweet marjoram, clover, pepper and salt; add enough cream to mix smooth. Take what is known as finger-rolls; split and scrape out most of the crumb, butter the inside of the shells thus left, and fill with the liver paste.


COOK link sausages in just enough water to cover them, letting the water evaporate and leaving them dry when done. When cold cut into the thinnest slices possible and lay on buttered Graham bread, with a mere wafer of cucumber pickle on top, putting another buttered slice over this.