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222 FLOYD. FLYNN. daughter of Larkin and Amanda (Spangler) Nicholson. Of this union were two chil- dren : Altus D. and Jewel Flower. His second marriage was in July, 1877, with Mayde M., daughter of C. C. and Hannah (Shourds) Manfull. Of this union is one child : Evangeline Flower. FLOYD, DAVID 2d, son of Edward and Lucretia (Tewksbury) Floyd, was born in Winthrop, Suffolk county, October 26, 1854. His early educational training was re- ceived in the public schools and in French's Commercial College. In 1884 he com- pleted the four years' course of study in the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, and was graduated therefrom. DAVID FLOYD, 2d. He began business life by clerking in a general store. In 1882 he was elected one of the assessors of Winthrop, and finding need of a better system of keeping real estate records of this fast-growing town, he established the " Block" system of writing up and keeping the changes of every par- cel of land in the town — Winthrop being the first town in the Commonwealth to adopt such a system. Since the death of his father in 1879 ne has had much to do with the real estate formerly in his charge, and in January, 1889, he with Frank W. Tucker formed a co-partnership as general agents for the care and sale of real estate, the placing of mortgages, writing fire insurance, etc., under the firm name of Floyd & Tucker, with offices both in Winthrop and Boston. Mr. Floyd was married, June 9, 18S6, to Belle A., daughter of Charles T. and Emily E. (Fernald) Seavey. They have no chil- dren. Mr. Floyd is a trustee and steward of Win- throp M. E. church ; president of the Law and Order League and the Winthrop Hor- ticultural Society; was clerk of the Boston, Winthrop & Point Shirley R. R. Co., 1879 and 'So ; has been town treasurer since 1883 ; was representative to the General Court, 1887 and '88, serving on committees on mercantile affairs, taxation (chairman), and engrossed bills ; he is a trustee and one of the founders of Winthrop public library, and was for several years chairman of the Republican town committee. FLYNN, Edward James, son of Maurice and Mary (McSweeny) Flynn, was born in Boston. June 16, 1S59. He was graduated from the public schools of Boston, common and high. On leaving the public schools he entered Bos- ton College, and was graduated therefrom in 1 88 1, as valedictorian of his class, re- ceiving the degree of A. B., and afterwards that of A. M. in 1884. After graduation he began the study of law, and was graduated from the Boston University law school in 1884, with the de- gree of LL. B. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar the same year, and also took a special course-of law at the Harvard Uni- versity law school. He began business in 1S84, opening a law office in Boston, where he has since remained in practice. Mr. Flynn is a member of the Boston Catholic Union, Harvard Law School As- sociation, Boston University Association, Boston College Alumni Association, of which he was the first secretary. He was the first president of the Paul Revere Division, Massachusetts United Benevolent Association. He was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives from the 6th Suffolk district, and served during 1885, '86, and '88 ; elected a member of the governor's coun- cil for 1889, the only Democratic mem- ber ; appointed by the mayor of Boston a director of the East Boston ferries during 1886, '87 and '88. He is a member of the Democratic city committee of Boston. Mr. Flynn was the youngest man who ever sat as a ferry director, the youngest man who ever sat in the governor's coun-