She belonged to the order of dumb prophets who stand on the threshold of eternity, gazing into the divine purpose which reveals fragmentary glimpses of what we are and what we must become; by their own innate perceptions comprehending the boundless capacities of the soul with its susceptibility to the slightest sway of virtue or passion; and praying for a touch of inspiration that shall serve as a key to unlock the prison doors of their divine conceptions, that they may come forth to elevate and purify the grosser, outward life of themselves and others. To such the ordinary routine of worldly cares and the bustle of a mere business life, is like a crushing millstone, grinding continually the finer sensibilities with a secret, acute pain. The part assigned them in the universe often leads through paths diverse from the rest of the world, as if they stood aloof from choice, when in reality compelled to it by a necessity of their spiritual organization. Enjoying society, it is so seldom they meet with those to whom they can unfold their innermost thoughts without being misunderstood, they shun it as if no power of response existed in their souls.
Doubtless if Milly had spent her youth in an atmosphere calculated to develope rather than suppress her true nature, her inner life would have asserted itself more strongly; while on the other hand had she been less submissive, or her experience more painful, forcing nature to assert her rights, the hour of utterance might have come.
Left an orphan at an early age, she was deprived of those tender home influences which childhood so