Page:Orange Grove.djvu/277

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the sacred claims of the family, by sending this flaming scourge into thousands of households which would otherwise have been the abodes of happiness and plenty, I implore them as one who has suffered too much to cherish towards them one revengeful feeling, to take this question home to their own firesides, to put it to their own conscience, as men who must one day answer to the query, 'Where is thy brother?'

"Is there not a spark of the smothered instinct of humanity left to tremble at the accusing voices that shall rise from heart-broken wives and mothers, starving babes, and the ghastly wrecks of what were once stamped with the nobility of manhood, radiant with health and buoyant with hope?

"As you hope for happiness hereafter, and pray to be forgiven, I beseech you in the name of all that is pure and holy, just and true; in the name of every man who values honor and virtue; in the name of every woman who values the sanctity of home as the essential requisite for the development of those qualities that constitute the ornament of society; in the name of every child whose claims upon parental love and care have been ruthlessly set at nought, I implore and beseech you to turn aside from your evil doings, and endeavor to atone in some measure for the past by good works in the future, striving to bind up the wounds you have inflicted, and heal the hearts you have broken."

Her remarks were listened to throughout with deep attention,—not a murmur of disapprobation was heard, and young men who had gone there to