Page:Orange Grove.djvu/420

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cult mathematical problem, a knowledge of the general rules leading to its solution, enables us to calculate about what process it will be necessary to go through. There were also strong points of resemblance in their mental organizations, which would enable him to understand her more readily than his practical, business-like wife, full of demonstration and enthusiasm, could possibly do. When he laid Amelia's suggestion before the latter, which met her cordial approbation, she immediately consulted Mrs. Carleton, who warmly espoused it though it was little she could contribute besides her influence, being broken down in health, and having no pecuniary means to resort to. Rosalind, whose fertile brain never lacked expedients to effect any end she desired, made a proposition to her that if she felt willing to give the use of the old family mansion, which was very large and commodious for such a purpose, they would most cheerfully provide her a home in their family, a point that had already been discussed with her husband and Mrs. Claremont. This proposition was very cheerfully accepted, not only for the benefits thus resulting to others, but also to herself in dwelling among such genial influences as were embowered within the sylvan retreats of Orange Grove. By the addition of a single room in a retired part of the house which rather added to the completeness of the whole, and therefore had long been desired by Rosalind, Mrs. Carleton could be furnished with apartments for herself and children entirely distinct from theirs, and without any inconvenience to themselves.