Page:Oration Delivered on the Occasion of the Dedication of the New Hall of Cooper Lodge.djvu/18

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wandering star in pursuit of vain and idle phantoms, which she never can grasp. What we want and what the world wants, is not “strong minded women”, but strong hearted women, full of pure and sincere love and charity—faith, hope and good works. These control men and guide them aright; these form and correct our manners and purify our morals; these reclaim the wicked and reform the erring; these strengthen the weak and confirm the wavering; and last, but not least,

“These lure to heaven and lead the way.”

Daughters of Missouri, may you ever prove to be such.

And now, brethren, a few parting words to you, and we are done. And first to you my reverend brethren in the ministry of the Gospel of peace and good will to all men: let me entreat you to follow the example of our Lord and Master in heaven, in gentleness and meekness, in kindness and charity. Do not, for his Gospel, substitute politics, treason, rebellion and Sharp’s rifles. If you do you may rest assured that you will do more injury to Masonry and Christianity—the true lights and pillars of society and the world, than all the combined efforts of their enemies can achieve. Permit me to express in poetry what I feel on this subject:

Let politics alone, leave that to others;
Be to the world Samaratonic brothers,
Preach Him alone who came to save mankind,
Be firm bit gentle, prudent, good and kind,
Remember his advice who rules the skies—
As doves be harmless, and as serpents wise.

And to you, Entered Apprentices, Fellow Craft and Master Masons and Royal Arch, one word of advice. Be not satisfied with any attainments you have made, but press onward and upward. You have not yet attained to perfection in this sublime order. It is too common, my brethren, for persons to grow weary in the first steps of science and truth of every kind because their first lessons are uninteresting. And hence too many become only superficial in all departments of truth and science. A little knowledge,