Page:Oregon, her history, her great men, her literature.djvu/229

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SECTION XII ance until the year 1909, when it was closed because the legislature of that year failed to provide funds for the maintenance of any normal school in the state. However, at the general initiative election held November, 1910, the people voted a yearly tax of ons twenty- fifth of a mill for the suppoit of that institution. Connequenily the State Normal School at Monmouth reopened under the direction of President J. H. Ackerman, ex-Superintendent of Public Instruo tion of the State.

Date for Convening Legislature Changed. Since the beginning of the state government the legislature had convened on the second Monday of every even-numbered year, accordins: to a provision of the constitution; but at the regular session of 1882 the time was change d to the second Monday in January. For this reason Governor Moody, whose term of office followed, occupied the position of chief executive from September, 1882, until January, 1887, the longest single gubernatorial term in the history of the State.