Page:Oregon, her history, her great men, her literature.djvu/247

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the manner in which he peraistently followed a path that had hidieito been in a measure avoided; yet he was a popular

Governor. He was bom on July 6, 1831, in Tompkins

County, New York, and graduated from the Harvard law school in 1854. He came to Portland in 1855; and after teachinc^ school for several years edited the-Oregon Herald" a democratic newspaper, for nearly two years, and then engaged in the lumber business which he followed until his death, which occurred at his home in Portland^ May 30, 1902.

Hie U of O. School of Medicine. The Medical Department of the University of Oregon was ettabliihed at

Portland in 1 887, by a charter from the Regents of the University. The first building was a small frame structure located at what is now the comer of Marshall and I wentythird Streets, on the grounds of the Good Samaritan Hospital. It consisted of a single lecture room on the ground floor, and an anatomical laboratory, on the upper Hoor, In 1 890, the present site was purchased* and the building was transferred to it and remodeled. The present building iraa erected in 1892. It is a three stoiy structure and containa well-equipped laboratories, a convenient dissecting room, two large lecture rooma» and the Medical School library.

The Merger of the Medical Department of the Willamette University, the first Ituuidation of the kind in the State of Oregon, with the Medical Department of the University of Oregon, was ejected by mutual and friendly arrangemenll on the first day of September, 1913. Under the terms of the merger the Medical Department of the Willamette University retired permanently from the field of medical education and tranaferred its entire enrollment; numbering 40, to the State School in the city of Pordandi and arrangements were effected so that the students of die