Page:Oregon, her history, her great men, her literature.djvu/268

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appropriation of water by the posting of a notice at the proposed point of diversion, but its application was limited to public service companies.

Oregon Historical Society. The Oregon Historical Society was organized December 1 7, 1 898. The officers are (1918): President, Frederick V. Holman; vice president, Leslie M. Scott; secretary and editor, Professor F. G. Young; treasurer, Ladd & Tilton*s Bank; official custodian and curator, George H. Himes. It is located in the Portland Auditorium Building. All citizens of Oregon in good standing are eligible to active membership in the Oregon SBAL OF oaaaoa xhtobioal soonnrr Historical Society by paying a small fee; and non-residents of Oregon may become honorary members by complying with certain requirements. The principal sources of support of the society are from the State, from a private en-