Page:Oregon, her history, her great men, her literature.djvu/344

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ing numerous poems. "Ad Willametam," or "Beautiful Willamette," as it is generally known, was written while the poet was a resident of Albany. It first appeared in the "Democrat" in that city, April 18, 1868.

"Samuel L. Simpson was married to Miss Julia Humphrey, of Portland, in 1868, who bore him two sons. He died in Portland June 14, 1900, and was buried in Lone Fir Cemetery."—George H. Himes.

Upon the death of the poet, his poems were edited with an introductory preface by W. T. Burney, and published by the J. B. Lippincott Company in a very attractive volume entitled "The Gold-Gated West." Referring to Simpson's masterful pen, Joaquin Miller said; "Simpsons 'Beautiful Willamette' is the most musical poem written on the Pacific Coast."