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March, 1918
Oregon Exchanges

Charles W. Myers, formerly of the local and copy reading staff of the Oregonian, is now editor of the Soldiers News Letter.

George Rouse of Spokane is occupying a temporary place on the staff of the Oregon Journal and is doing hotels and general assignments.

The Polk County Observer has changed from a semi-weekly to a weekly, dropping the Tuesday issue and appearing only on Friday now. 0___ W. A. Pettit, former city editor of the Roseburg Review, is now copy editor on the Oregonian.

Miss Kath


leen Coates, one of Mr. Pettit’s discoveries in the local schools, is now attending Reed college. ___,;,i The Heppner Gazette-Times has the distinction at the present time of being an all home print, all in the family affair. All job printing and newspaper publishing is done by members of the Crawford family,

school senior, has taken the late night shift on the copy-running

and contrary to the usual custom of country weeklies, all of them are

o A. N. Jones, formerly of the Sun at Medford, and prior to that time with the Statesman at Salem is a new man in the Oregonian oflice, being on the copy desk under P. R. Kelty, night editor. o__ Cecil

St Helen, a Lincoln

staff of the Oregonian.

St Helen is





a senior who has aspirations for the

Gazette-Times planned to move into

newspaper field.

its new home sometime in March.

0 Sam Wilderman, editor of the Hustler, the [publication put out by the newsboys who handle the Ore gonian night street edition, is filling in on the copy running staff of the

Oregonian. Mr. Wilderman is a senior at Washington high school and is a member of the staff of the

——o W. J. (Bill) Cuddy is compiling some of the rejected paragraphs he has written for the Oregonian edit far


never seen the light of day.






Cuddy is paragrapher for the Ore

gonian, as well as being editor of the Weekly



Lens, the Washington high school publication of which Eugene Kelty, son of P. R. Kelty, night editor of the Oregonian, is editor. ———o C. M. Cogswell, who has been cir culation manager of the Oregon

for a special compilation he will fix up for his friends in the business.

Statesman for several years, has resigned to enlist in the aviation service of the army. He is stationed

Addison Bennett, special writer for the Oregonian, reached his sev

at Vancouver barracks. His desk in the Statesman oflice has been taken by Miss Nellie F. Stowell. Clair Blodgett, Statesman mailer, has resigned to enter the service and is

some of his “stuff” is too hot to pass the viligant R. G. Callvert, assistant managing editor, and Mr. Cuddy is preserving some of these







He is still “going strong” and dis likes writing “straight” news stories as much as he ever did in the early

days when his unique handling of

with the hospital corps at Vancouver.

stories put him in

His place has been taken by George

Turn him loose on a feature assign ment and he is in the seventh heaven of delight. “The work is just as interesting today as it was


Other men who have en

listed from the Statesman oifice are: Richard O. Hansen, reporter, 162nd





Paul Hendricks, son of R. J. Hen-of

dricks, 162nd Infantry, France; and Sam Tyler, linotype operator, with the engineers at Vancouver.




35 years ago” he says in explanation his persistent vigor. On his birthday the stafl“ presented an um

brella to the veteran and dean of Portland newspaper men.