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December, 1917
Oregon Exchanges

After taking a vacation from the newspaper business while he acted as district manager for the Asbestos Tire Manufacturing company, Lew A. Gates has returned from Pendleton and taken over the editorial desk of the Polk County Observer, which he

formerly published. E. E. Southard, until recently editor, will return to Portland and resume his law practice there.






foreman Corvallis,

of has

the re

signed his position and has gone to Portland; Mr. Dubrelle, former fore man of the Gazette-Times, but of late

foreman of the Albany Herald, has enlisted in the state police; Don Mc Glashan, former Courier office of

ressman of the orvallis, has been

called for the coast artillery at Fort McDowell, Cal., and F. W. Holmes, night operator at the Courier, has the

Graphic suggests that young men who

position of foreman of the Rawlings’ job plant at Albany. moi It is now Corporal Henderson of one of the engineering regiments in France. He was recently a mere pri

are “looking around” might do well to make a note of this young woman ’s name. moi_

promotion. Prior to enlisting Corp oral Henderson was R. R. Henderson, a stereotyper for the Oregonian. He

The Newberg Graphic tells of a young woman who subscribed for a Liberty Bond and then went to Port land to enter domestic service to earn the money to lend to Uncle Sam. The

M. C. Athey, who has been con

nected with numerous papers in Cen

vate, but his last letter tells of his



getting where it is

“pretty thick.”

tral Oregon, recently took over the


Madras Pioneer. He had been work ing in the mechanical department of the Bend Press, having before that

Floyd C. Westerfield, a graduate of the University of Oregon depart

time published the Deschutes Valley Tribune at Culver.

mo H. W. Dewey, foreman of the stereotyping room of the Oregonian, has received a letter from his son who has arrived in England with the United States forces. Young Dewey, who formerly worked on the Oregonian

mechanical staff, is in the artillery. o E. C. Brownlee, formerly connected with Portland newspapers, but more recently of Albany, is a new member of the staff of the Oregon Journal

and is doing the marine run. ?o Marshall N. Dana continues to be the crack fisherman of the Oregon Journal staff, spending his Sundays

in pursuit of the gamey salmon or whatever fish is in season.

0 The Crook County Journal is using an end dash this spring as follows: w.s.s. ____0__ M. Fitzmaurice, editor of the Condon Times, spent the last week in May in Portland on business. 18

ment of journalism and later business

manager of the Bend Bulletin, was called in the draft of April 26 and is now at Camp Lewis. Mr. Wester field is the son of the editor of the Grass Valley Tribune.

  • 0

John F. Stone, lately with the Star Bulletin, of Honolulu, has given up his work to accept an appointment as private secretary to the new gov ernor of Hawaii. Mr. Stone is a for mer Oregon man and is a cousin of

Stephen A. Stone of the Salem States man.

  • 0

M. A. Hamilton from Aberdeen, Washington, is now associate editor

of the Bend Bulletin. He has moved his family to Bend and intends making his home there. 0 John Cradlebaugh, telegraph editor of the Capital Journal, has announced

his candidacy for justice of the peace for Marion county. O???

Owing to the increase in the size

of the paper, the Independence Post is now being printed by the Polk County Observer.