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Oregon Exchanges
November, 1917

Newport Meeting of Editors

By Elbert Bede, Secretary of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association and Editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel

THE recent session of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association, September 8, 9 and 10, was the most successful in the history of the association as far as attendance and enjoyment were concerned. The business program was the equal of any previous ones.

While the session will probably be known as the Newport meeting, it would be more proper to say that the session covered Benton and Lincoln counties, as the business session was held on the way to Newport and re turning from Newport, in the private car furnished for that purpose by the Southern Pacific Railway. This manner of conducting the business session was unique in that it probably was the only session of the kind ever held by an editorial association. This session was also unique in as far as this association is concerned because of the fact that for the first time the women were invited to attend. Every notice sent out by the secretary contained the admonition, “Bring your wife, or send her.” The wives decided that they would attend and none of the editors seemed willing to let their better halves attend unchaperoned. The session was made more pleasant and enjoyable because of the presence of the feminine contingent.

The most important piece of business to come before the session was the discussion of Liberty Loan advertising. The question was ably handled by G. L. Taylor, editor of the Molalla Pioneer, and a spirited discussion followed. The association unanimously adopted a resolution endorsing the idea of paid advertising for future liberty loans.

Other numbers on the program were as follows:

Are Patents and Plates Really Readable and Worth What They Cost?
C. J. McIntosh, Press Bulletins, Oregon Agricultural College.
Why We Don’t Run a Job Shop in Connection With Paper
E. M. Regan, Herald, Albany.
Value of the County Unit in Organization
F. S. Minshall, Review, Philomath.
Shall We Take Out-of-town Advertising
J. C. Dimm, News, Springfield
Estimating on Job Work
O. W. Robey, Courier, Oregon City.
Getting and Charging for Foreign Advertising
Bert. R. Greer, Tidings, Ashland.
Legal Rates
E. Brodie, Enterprise, Oregon City.
Woman’s Place in the Newspaper Field
Edythe Tozier Weatherred, of Oregon.
Boosting Oregon—My Department and the Newspapers
Orlo D. Center, Director Extension Department, O. A. C.
The Newspapers and Our Public Institutions
W. C. DePew, Criterion, Lebanon.

At Newport the editors were royally entertained by the commercial club, the success of the entertainment being largely due to the untiring efforts of the Mathews brothers, publishers of The Yaquina News.