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December, 1917
Oregon Exchanges

Guy Hughes, who publishes the Pine Valley Herald every week at Halfway, Oregon, in a letter to Oregon Exchanges, claims that liv ing “somewhat out of the world” has its advantages, and goes on to prove his point: “There has only been one tramp printer here in seven years. We look at the calendar instead of the clock, buy milk at the old prices, have plenty of subscribers who read no other paper, have not heard of meatless and wheatless days and are not worried about a German or Japanese invasion.”

City Editor Leith Abbott of the Ashland Tidings is registered in the school of journalism of the University of Oregon and holding down two reportorial positions besides. He is “cub” on the Morning Register, covering the doctors’ offices, the city hall and miscellaneous night assignments. In addition he is

handling special stories for the Ore gon Emerald. The Tidings regrets the loss of Mr. Abbott and predicts success for him in any undertaking

he may atempt. iOM Mrs. Olive Scott Gabriel, presi dent of the International Associa tion of Women Lawyers, and a

prominent club woman of New York was among the visitors of the Willamette Valley Editorial Assoc iation which took place at Newport. io Thomas W. Gerber, formerly man ager of the United Press oflice of the Oregon Journal and now western business representative of the United Press, was a recent caller at the Journal oflice. ——o Gertrude P. Corbett, society edi tor of the Oregonian, spent her va cation in California, visiting much of the time at San Francisco.

0 J. W. A. Busch, editor of the Fort

L. R. McCullough, editor of the Morning Astorian, Astoria, has tem

porarily abandoned the pen for the stage.

He has written a musical

comedy and now is busy getting things ready to hit the road.


Cullough formerly was a Kansas City newspaperman and has handled dramatic news, besides appearing professionally on the stage. ——o Eugene Kelty, son of P. B. Kelty, news and night editor of the Ore gonian, has been elected editor of the Lens, the school publication of Washington High School. Young Kelty has been handling school news for the Oregonian the last year.

  • 0

Colonel John Cradlebaugh, veter an desk man on the Daily Capital Journal, of Salem, has a few hours respite from the desk each day and covers the state house run. arrangement has been made

This since

the departure of Perry Reigelman. 0 City Editor Ralph Cronise of the Albany Democrat spent two weeks at San Francisco with Mrs. Cronise on a honeymoon. While there Mr. and Mrs. Cronise saw a number of

Eugene and Albany people. 0


Miss Alice Gram is now society editor of the Spectator, filling the place made vacant by the resigna

tion of Miss Clara Wold, who is spending the winter in New York studying.

—-—o Albert Hawkins, editorial writer for the Oregonian, recently took an automobile outing into Central Oregon in company with W. Lair Thompson.

__._oi Norris McKay began work as lin otype





News, October 1. He is a junior at the University of Oregon. -—o

Rock Times, was in Seattle for a week’s business trip, returning Oct ober 17.

Janette Wiggins, of Portland, has joined the local staff of the Ore gonian as general assignment re porter.

—-o Claire Raley, a graduate of the University in 1916, is society editor of the Evening Tribune of Pendle

__oM George Bertz, asistant sports edi tor of the Journal, has been elected manager of the Multnomah Club


football team for the season.