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December, 1917
Oregon Exchanges

Carriers—Richard D. Akers, Charles Allen, Andreas Albrecht, Frank Angel, Gordon Babb, Harold Bergen, DeWalt Bonebreak, Harold Burnett, Frank Bosch, Don Beery, C. C. Callahan, Ransom Cook, Hugh Clerin, Newland Conrad, Percy Davis, Claire Elrod, Jack Erlinger, George Ferguson, Harold Feese, W. W. Foster, Clayton Frisbie, Albert Gentner, George Graves, Will Gregory, Ray Hawkins, Andrew Heeb, Oscar Heintz, Augustas Hixon, Ward Holcomb, Rahph Holliday, George Hoban, Wayne Houston, John Langley, James Jordan, M. Kiririshian, Ben Lictgarn, Thomas Lovell, Walter Middleton, Leslie Merrick, Magnus Morud, C. M. Morris, Pierre Miller, Louis Miner, Ronald O’Connor, B. H. Parkinson, Raymond Powell, Hafften Paulson, Alvin Peters, Kenneth Ross, Claude Roycroft, Joseph Salstrom, Charles Sivenius, Willard Soden, Morgan Staten, Frank Simmons Jr., Theodore Squires, Nathan Twining, Ralph Tyman, Carl Wagner, Thad Wilson, Winfield Wallace, Chancey Wightman, Fred Wiegand, Glover Young. The following men from the editorial department have enlisted in the Base Hospital Unit No. 46, and expect to be called early in 1918: Paul Ryan, night police reporter; Fred W. White, day police reporter; Lynn Davies, general assignment reporter, who was formerly in the Canadian contingent.

Joseph Patterson, formerly of the reportorial and field correspondence staff, has served almost a year in France with the American Ambulance company. He is now at home and expects to return to France with a fighting unit in the spring.

Th Journal is represented in the nation's service by 38 young men from its various departments, all of whom are serving in the different branches of the army, navy and marine corps as volunteers. No sooner had the first call for men been sounded, last April, than it began to be answered by these boys who now are scattered far and wide on land and sea.

Of these 38 men, seven are from the business oflice and advertising departments, seven from the editorial department, 23 from the circulation department and one from the mailing room. They are as follows:

Business Office—Philip Jackson, first lieutenant, quartermaster corps; Will F. Hessian, second lieutenant, field artillery; James I. Jordan, marines; Will Farrow, field artillery; Fernald Cornwell, field artillery; Frank Herbert, infantry; Reed Moore, quartermaster corps.

Editorial Department-F. D. McNaughton, field hospital service; Clyde A. Beals, field hospital service; F. H. McNeill, engineers (road); Leland Thibert, field artillery; Rex Stewart, marines; Paul D. Murphy, American field service; Stewart O. Blythe, bureau of public information.

Circulation Department—Bernard Anderson, navy; Byron Mathews, navy; Ray Fox, navy; Pete De Cicco, aviation; Alden Kelly, aviation; William Farmer, aviation; Horace Wilson, ordnance; Earl Harkins, ord nance; J. K. Zinck, engineers; Herbert Goodwin, engineers; Carl Roehr Jr., engineers; Don McClallen, machine gun; Charles Herbert, cavalry; Frank Davies, infantry; Wallace Potter, infantry; Lawrence Dinneen, infantry; Claire Alden, field artillery; Sam Reichenstein, coast artillery; Russell