Pacific Ech (illegible text) agers, Mrs. Min Publisher, Neighbors Woodcraft.
Pacific Legion. Monthly. Editor and manaager, Jerrold (Jerry) Owen, Publisher, (illegible text) Pacific Legion, Inc. Associate editors, Frank W. Barton, Bert G. Bates, Harry B. Critchlow. Advertising and circulation manager, R. J. Clary. Business manager, Clifford J. Owen. Solicitor, J. F. Goodwin.
Pacific Northwest Hotel News. Weekly. Saturday. Couch building. Editor and man- ager, Frank W. Beach. Publisher, Pacific Hotel News Co., Inc. Associate editor, Curtis L. Beach. Manager advertising and hotel brokerage, J. H. Schmidt. Salesman broker- age, Earl H. Ogden.
Pacific Odd Fellow. Monthly. Editor, pub- lisher and manager, A. K. Mickey.
Peninsula Herald. Weekly. Friday. Editor and publisher, E. L. Merritt. Manager, W. H. Waugh. Reporters, Mrs. B. M. Borden, Mrs. W. R. Corbett and E. B. Lockhart. Secretary-treasurer, Roberta Lloyd. Pressman, J. V. Head. Linotyper, Ralph Henderson. Compositor and proof reader, L. S. Merritt. Apprentice, Wightman Roach.
Producers' Call. Weekly. Friday. 409 Mc- Kay building. Editor and manager, E. E. Brackney. Publisher, Florence M. Kavanaugh. Portland Spotlight. Weekly. Monday. Editor, Anne P. Keil. Publisher, Advertising Club of Portland. Advertising Portland Commerce. Weekly. Saturday. Edi- tor, W. D. B. Dodson. Manager, M. J. Slatky. Publisher, Portland Chamber of Commerce. Portland Daily Shipping News. Daily except Sunday and legal holidays. 400 Couch street. Publisher, A. W. Howard. Manager, A. C. Albrecht. Reporters, H. S. George and Walter Lofquist. Portland Examiner. 242 Washington street. Publishers, Portland Examiner Publishing Co. Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society. March, June, September and December of each year. Editor, Frederic G. Young. Publisher, Oregon Historical Society. Rose City Herald. Weekly. Friday. 1176 Sandy Boulevard. Editor, J. F. Reilly. Pub- lisher, L. S. Siner. Spectator. Weekly. Saturday. 1034-36 Chamber of Commerce building. Editor, Hugh Hume. Publisher, The Spectator Publishing Company. Reporters, Beatrice M. Locke, Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Howard R. Van Kirk. Solicitor, Eleanor Church. Business office, William Beede. St. Isidore's Plow. Monthly. October to May. Editor, Rev. E. V. O'Hara, Eugene. Publisher, Catholic Rural Life Bureau, St. John's Review. Weekly. Friday. Edi- tor and publisher, H. L. Ray. Associate edi- tor, J. D. Rice. Foreman of composing room, W. G. Baylis. Pressman, R. T. Irish. Lino- type operator, Vera Hacket. St. Joseph's Blatt. German-American Na- tional Weekly. Monday. Editor and man- ager, Bro. Celestine Miller. Publishers, Benedictine Press. Sellwood Bee. Weekly. Friday. Editor, and publisher, C. M. Thompson. manager Special assignments, A. G. Dennis. Reporters, Mrs. Sarah Welch, Mrs. C. E. Carr. Cashier and business assistant, Mrs. C. M. Thompson. Job and ad compositor, Miss Florence Bauer. Pressman, H. F. Pfeifer. Intertype operator, Guy Q. Stryker. [11] Caplan elcome. KCHANGES 88. Weekly. Thursday. Editor and manager, C. W. editor, Mrs. C. W. Lamar. Weekly. Saturday. Edi- Bushnell. Publisher and manager, Senosky. Assistant manager, W. H. Sunnyside Gazette. Weekly. Saturday. 1060 Belmont street. Editor, Charles W. Lee. Telegram. Daily except Sunday. Evening. Editors, J. E. Wheeler and L. R. Wheeler. Managing editor, O. C. Leiter. Business man- ager, Gordon Law. General manager, W. S. Jones. City editor, A. L. Crookham. Assis- tant, Arthur Caylor. Editorial writers, E. W. Wright, N. J. Levinson, M. O. Nelson, Lois P. Myers. Head of copy desk, H. C. Frye. Reporters, Ben Titus, A. C. Reese, David W. Hazen, Kenneth L. Binns, Ted Emerson, Dean Collins, Harold Holmberg, Victoria Case, Susie Aubrey Smith, Gertrude Corbett, Harold Say, Robert L. Withrow, Sidney Goodwin, Duane Hennessey, John W. Anderson, Marion Playter, Jessie G. Olds. Advertising manager, Frank- lin S. Allen. Circulation manager, E. G. Wendling. Society editor, Susie Aubrey Smith. Women's club editor, Gertrude P. Corbett. Dramatic, John W. Anderson. Literary, Dean Collins. Exchange, Jessie G. Olds. Librarian, Lillie J. Stricker. Foreman of composing room, Mike Johnson. Sports, Lou M. Ken- nedy. Foreman of pressroom, H. Showers. The Post. Every other Friday. 221 East 46th street. Editor, W. R. Bridges. Publisher, Berncliff Printers. The Scribe. Weekly. Friday. Editor, Jonah B. Wise. Associate editor, Max J. Merritt. Publishers, Jonah B. Wise and David E. Cohen. News editor, Mrs. Arthur A. Gold- smith. The Timberman. Monthly. Editor, George M. Cornwall. Assistant editors, George F. Cornwall, H. L. Potter. News editor, David Davis. Advertising department, J. A. Con- verse, J. B. Olson. Mechanical department, Carl Hanson, foreman. The United American. Monthly. Editor, H. J. Langoe. Publisher, The Northman Pub- lishing Company, Inc. Manager, H. J. Langoe. The Veteran. Monthly. 287 Taylor street. Pub- Editor and publisher, George L. Koehn. lisher, Theodore Hansen. Reporters, James Robinson, George H. Carr, William A. Daw- kins. Foreman of composing room, A. A. Galichio, Linotypes, Schmid Linotyping Co. Western Breeders' Journal. Weekly. Thurs- day. Editor, A. Watkins. Manager, H. C. Browne. Publisher, A. C. Browne and Company. Western Farmer. Semi-monthly. 1st and 15th. Editor, E. E. Faville. Business man- ager, R. E. Morrison, Publisher, Farm Maga- zine Co. Advertising manager, A. W. Stypes. White Ribbon Review. Monthly. 412 Stock Exchange building. Editor, Mrs. Mary L. Mallett. Associate editor, Ella Beecher Git- tings. Publisher, State W. C. T. U. Man- agers, State Officers. Printed by Dimm & Sons Printing Company. Winged M Bulletin. Weekly. Friday. Edi- tor, Ralf Couch. Manager, Wilkie Duniway. Publisher, Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. Assistant editor, Earl R. Goodwin. Washington Post. Weekly. Spokane, Wash., and Portland, Ore. (German language). Edi- tor, A. Hochscheid. Publisher, A. E. Kern. Manager, Otto Juckeland.