Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 26.djvu/528

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THE OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Organized December 17, 1898 FREDERICK V. HOLMAN - ' ^SSSm^ " " Pr '* id ' nt CHARLES B. MOORES f|- - ' ^BpSfBti^ ' Vice-President .F. G. YOUNG m ^4tj^i^S^^ '


V 1 Secretary LADD & TILTON BANK - |#- ^ft^^- " Treasurer GEORGE H. HIMES, Curator TH$ GOVERNOR OF OREGON, ex-officio THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, ex-officio Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1928 LESLIE M. SCOTT, JOHN GILL Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1927 P. H. D'ARCYr T . C . ELLIOTT Term Expires at Annual Meeting in October, 1928 LEWIS A. McARTHUR, FRED W . WILSON Term Expires' at Annual Meeting in October, 1929 CHARLES H. CAREY, B. B. BEEKMAN The Quarterly is sent free to-all members of the Society. The annual dues are two dollars. The fee for life membership is twenty-five dollars.. - ^1111 Contributions to The Quarterly and correspondence relative to historical ma- terials, or pertaining to the affairs of this Society^ should be addressed to WKtf. F. G. YOUNG, Secretary, Lt^&Jj Eugene, Oregon Subscriptions for The Quarterly, or for other publications of the Society, should be sent to ^^^K^^^C^^s BARBARA C. ELLIOTT, Ass't Secretary, Public Auditorium, Third St., between Clay and Market Sts., iS|^fe Portland, Oregon