Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/384

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F. G. Young.

  1. Appendix: Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, expressing dissatisfaction with Governor Gaines and the territorial judges; including, also, Judge Pratt's opinion on the "Location Law."

Laws and Journals, 1852-1853:

  1. General laws passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, at fourth regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem, December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
  2. Special laws and joint resolutions of the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, passed at the fourth regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem, December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
  3. Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon, during the fourth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
    Appendix: Librarian's report, with catalogue of library. Report of company sent out from counties of Lane and Linn to learn the practicability of an emigrant route from Fort Boise to the Willamette Forks, commenced August 20, 1852, and lasted sixty days. Report of Secretary relating to distribution of general laws and journals and local laws. Reports of payments made on account of the library. Report of Treasurer.
  4. Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon during the fourth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 6, 1852. Oregon: 1853.
    Appendix: Correspondence relating to provisions for the convicts of Oregon Territory in the guardhouse at Columbia Barracks. Instructions to the Governor and Secretary of Oregon Territory in disbursing money intrusted to them by virtue of their offices, from the Treasury Department of the United States. Report of the Minority of the Committee on Maynard's Bill for Divorce. Report of Governor Gaines of the money received and expended for the Territorial Library, with copy of letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States. Majority and Minority Reports of Commissioners to superintend the erection of a penitentiary at Portland. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Memorial by Territorial Legislature to Congress requesting a release to Dr. John McLoughlin of the "Oregon City Claim," and a donation to the territory for university endowment in lieu thereof of a township of land. Report of Commissioners on Cayuse War Claims. Report of committee to whom this report was referred. Memorial to Congress urging the importance of immediate action on the part of the General Government relative to the construction of a railroad from some point on the Mississippi River to some point on the Pacific Ocean, or some of the navigable waters connected therewith. Resolution requesting: (a) Delegate in Congress to use his best endeavors to secure the erection of marine hospitals at desirable points on the Oregon coast; (b) Congress to divide the Territory of Oregon. Speaker's Decisions.

Laws and Journals, Oregon, 1853–4–5, 1855–6:

  1. Journal of the House of Representatives of Oregon, during the fifth regular session of the legislative assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 5, 1853. Salem, Oregon: 1854.
    Appendix: Report of Commissioners elected to prepare a Code of Laws. Librarian's report, with catalogue of library. Report of Commissioner of Cayuse War Claims. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of Territorial Treasurer. Memorial to Congress urging compensation for services and for losses sustained in war with Rogue River Indians. Report of Committee to whom was referred reports of Auditor and Treasurer. Memorial to the Postmaster General