Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/447

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ABERNETHY, GOVERNOR GEO 31 Chosen governor of Oregon 69 Treasurer Oregon Printing Association 336, 342 ABRAMS, W. P 60 ABRAMS, C 63 ACROSS THE CONTINENT SEVENTY YEARS AGO Extracts from the Journal of John Ball. (Kate N. B. Powers) 82 ACKERMAN, J. H. Elected superintendent of public instruction 122 ADAMS, HENRY - History of United States. (Quoted) 7 ADAMS, W. L.- Oregon City Argus 356 Sketch of life 357 AGRICULTURE Beginnings of 11- 19 AINSWORTH, JOHN C. Director Oregon Central Railroad Company 326 ALLEN, SAMUEL - Member Board Capitol Building Commissioners 38 ALLEN AND LA FOLLET 242 ALVORD, BRIGADIER GENERAL 138, 146, 154 "ALL OVER OREGON AND WASHINGTON." (Mrs. Victor) 432 APPLEGATE, JESSE - Candidate for United States senator 108, 336 APPLEGATE, E. L.- Ghosen presidential elector 112 APPERSON, LIEUTENANT 137, 145 ARGUS, THE OREGON CITY- First Republican paper in Oregon 356 Consolidated with the Statesman 360 ARCHIVES OF OREGON, THE. (F. G. Young) 371 ASHLEY, - - 269 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB 8,9 The Astor enterprise 261 Legacy to the United States 263