Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/467

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TOPICAL INDEX. 457 MAURY, LIEUT. COL. R. F. PAGE First Oregon Cavalry 132 Against Snake Indians 188, 139 Expedition to Snake River country 141 MAXWELL, S. L 367 MAY, SAMUEL E 45, 66 MAYS, ROBERT - Representative 39 McARTHUR, L. L.- Elected j udge 40, 42, 43 Elected supreme judge 107, 108 Elected circuit judge 102 McARTHUR, CAPTAIN JOHN . A 224 McBRIDE, GEORGE W. Elected speaker of the house 112 Elected Secretary of State 114,116 Elected United States senator 119 McBRIDE, T. A.- Elected district attorney 113, 114 Re-elected 115, 117 Elected circuit judge 118 MCCAIN, JAMES- Elected district attorney 118,119 MCCALL, JOHN M.- Second Lieutenant First Oregon Cavalry 132 McCARVER, M. M. Pioneer of 1843 348 McCLANE, J. B 333 McCONNELL, W. J. - Elected president of senate ___ ^ 112 McCORMICK, S. J.- Partner and coeditor Portland Daily Advertiser 350 MCDOWELL, GENERAL 154 MCELROY, E. B. Elected superintendent of public instruction 112 Re-elected 114 Superintendent of public instruction 117 MCELROY, T. F 355,356, 36 MCGINN, HENRY E.- Elected district attorney 114 Re-elected 115 Appointed circuit judge 120 McKINLEY, A 121,226 McKIRCHER, F.- Defeated for Congress 120