Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/471

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TOPICAL INDEX. 461 OREGON PRINTING ASSOCIATION- PAGE Organized 330 "OREGON SPECTATOR " 34 First issue 337, 338-341 "OREGON SENTINEL "- Formerly Table Rock Gazette 341 "OREGON FREE PRESS, THE" Early copy of 350 OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILL 257 "OREGONIAN, THE" Establishment of 33, 34 Interview with Professor Carlyle 244 Description of ground breaking Oregon Central Railroad 324 Announcement of 354, 357, 363, 364 First issue of daily 370 P PACIFIC FUR COMPANY 9 PALMER, GEN. JOEL 45 PARKER, JAMES 327 PARRISH, CHAS. W.- Elected district attorney 121 PARRISH, J. L 227 PARRISH, REV. E. E.- Oregon pioneer 276 PARRISH, S. B.- Director east side railroad company 1 326 PATTERSON, THOMAS 42 PATTON, R.- Brought sheep to Oregon 222 PATTON, T. McF.- Director east side railroad company 325 PEALE, .- Naturalist Wilke's expedition ' 245 PENNOYER, 8YLVESTER- Elected governor of Oregon 114 Re-elected governor 116 PENDLETON, GEORGE H 42 Defeated for president 51 PEPOON, LIEUTENANT SILAS - Assistant quartermaster Snake River expedition 146 PERRY, COMMODORE 23 PETTYGROVE, FRANCIS W 338, 340, 353