Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/414

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Did Sir Francis Drake Land on Any Part of the Oregon Coast? By R. M. BRERETON, C. E. (Portland, Oregon: The J. K. Gill Company.)

The author had met the query stated in the title of this very attractive brochure and proceeded in a thoroughly effective and scholarly manner to answer it. The "co-temporary recorders" of Drake's expedition to the Pacific Coast were carefully ascertained, and the passages from their writings covering Drake's movements on this coast excerpted. Lest he might not have succeeded in finding all of the contemporary sources recourse was had to the expressions on the matter in hand by later reliable historians who might possibly have had access to original sources no longer available to him. The extracts from both the primary and the secondary sources are reproduced, also fac similes of three early maps of Drake's route on this coast. The author's conclusion, that he is "unable to find any reliable evidence" "from a careful study" of these extracts "to show that Drake ever landed anywhere on the Oregon coast," will be accepted by all.

The July number of the "Steel Points," in anticipation of the expedition of the Mountaineers' Club of Seattle into the Olympic region, is devoted mainly to setting forth what had up to that date been ascertained of the Olympics. In addition to articles on the "Names in the Olympic Region" and the ascents of Mount Olympus there is an exhaustive paper by Professor L. F. Henderson on the flora of the region. Mr. George H. Himes contributes papers on the "Discovery of Pacific Coast Glaciers" and on "Very Early Ascents" of Washington peaks.

Samuel Freeman Miller. By CHARLES NOBLE GREGORY. [Iowa Biographical Series, edited by BENJAMIN F. SHAMBAUGH.] (Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1907. pp. XII, 217.)

This compact and very readable sketch of the services and personality of Associate Justice Miller gives what is worth most to know of