Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/125

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The sixth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association was held in the History Building, Stanford University, Cal., November 19 and 20, 1909. In the absence of President Benjamin Ide Wheeler, who was in Europe, the Vice-President, George H. Himes, Assistant Secretary of the Oregon Historical Society, Portland, presided.

The General Session began at 2:30 P. M. on the 19th. The papers presented were as follows:

  1. The Self-Government of the Elizabethan Period, by Prof. S. L. Ware, of Stanford University.
  2. Colonial Opposition to Imperial Authority During the French and Indian War, by Prof. E. I. McCormac, of the University of California.
  3. The Mennonite Immigration of 1874, by Prof. E. B. Krehbiel, of Stanford University.
  4. Notes on Roman Imperialism, by Prof. R. F. Scholz, of the University of California.

The annual dinner occurred at 6 130 P. M., with Prof. E. D. Adams, of the Department of History, Stanford University, presiding. At the close of this function Mr. Himes gave the Presidential Address, his subject being "The Historical Unity of the States West of the Rocky Mountains." Brief addresses followed by Prof. J. C. Branner, of Stanford University; Prof. Bernard Moses, of the University of California; George E. Crothers, San Francisco; Prof. Edmond S. Meany, of the University of Washington; Prof. Jeanne E. Wier, of the University of Nevada; Prof. T. C. Knowles, of the University of Southern California; Prof. J. N. Bowman and Prof. F. J. Teggart, of the University of California.

The Pacific Coast History Session began at 11 o'clock the second day. The papers presented were as follows:

  1. Captain Arthur Phillip, First Governor of New South Wales, by Prof. P. J. Treat, of Stanford University.