Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/227

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The Peter Skene Ogden Journals.

1 only kills. There is waste of ammunition; course now N. N. W.

Friday, 10th Feb.

The Indians here have a contemptible opinion of all traders. Of the numerous murders and thefts committed[1], not one example has been made. Indians in general give us no credit for humanity, but attribute our not revenging murders to cowardice. When ever an opportunity offers of murder or theft, they allow it not to pass. I am of opinion if on first discovery of a strange tribe a dozen of them were shot, it would be the means of preserving many lives. Had this plan been adopted with the Snakes, they would not have been so daring and murdered 40 men. The same is the case with all Indians. Scripture gives us the right to retaliate in kind on those who murder. If men have means of preventing, why not put the means in execution. Why allow ourselves to be butchered and property stolen by such vile wretches who are not deserving to be numbered among the living the sooner dead the better. Trappers would make hunts and traders become rich men. Here we are among the Sastise.[2] Course this day west. The stream[3] we are on has no connection with the Clammitte River; it flows south then west to a large river. These Indians know nothing of the ocean.

Mr. McKay roused me last night to say the Indians were on the point of attacking our camp. Our numbers amounting only to 8 men.

Sunday, 12 of February.

The croaking of the frogs last night surprised me. This is certainly early. The weather has been cloudy. From appearances, we shall soon have rain. A number of Indians paid us a visit. There being 2 who understood the Clammitte language, that it[4] takes a western course. These forks have be-

  1. This quite characteristic of the Modoc tribe; the party now probably in N. E. California.
  2. Shastas.
  3. But this is a very good description of Pitt river, a source of the Sacramento.
  4. The Klamath river or some branch of it, in all probability. A party has been sent ahead.