Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/269

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Peter Skene Ogden, Fur Trader. 247 in one boat and Mr. McLoughlin and Mr. McKay in another for Fort George. * * * Mr. Ogden and the people for Spokane removed to proceed to their destination." We thus mark the arrival of Dr. McLoughlin on the Colum- bia and the company in which he came, but leave that party at Okanogan, where Gov. Simpson wrote on Nov. 1st to John McLeod, who was at Thompson River, among other things the following: "While at Spokane House we received letters from Mr. Ross and the report he gives of the Snake Expedi- tion is favorable * * * and Mr. Ogden proceeds imme- diately to the Flat Head Post in order to outfit and conduct it back to the Hunting Grounds." So here we have the record of the beginning of Mr. Ogden's five years in charge of the brigade to the Snake Country, then considered the most dangerous and most important field in which the Hud- son's Bay Company operated. We should not omit to men- tion that Gov. Simpson (probably) brought out with him a parchment from the Hudson's Bay House, Fenchurch Street, London, certifying to the appointment of Peter Skene Ogden as a Chief Trader by the Directors of the Company at their meeting in March, 1824. (That parchment, dated March 3d, 1824, is still in the possession of the family.) Mr. Ogden was winning his spurs early, thirty years of age, and only thirteen years in the service ; many of the older clerks waited for years for such a promotion. Flathead Post or Fort of those days was located about where Thompson Falls, Montana, on the line of the Northern Pacific R. R. is now situated. And we are fortunate to be able to quote, by the courtesy of Miss Agnes C. Laut, from her transcript of the Journal of Alex. Ross for the year 1824, as follows : "Friday, 26th Nov. From Prairie de Chevreux myself and party arrived at this place (Flathead Post) in the afternoon which terminated my voyage of 10 months to the Snakes. Mr. Ogden and Mr. Dears with people and outfit from Spokane reached (this) place a few hours before us. Saturday. 27th. All hands building. Mr. Ogden handed me