Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/277

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Peter Skene Ogden, Fur Trader. 255 crossed the bar, and ran up to within speaking distance. It was one of the Hudson's Bay Company's coasters, and as we were getting under weigh, a boat put off from her, and we were boarded by Mr. Ogden, a chief factor from one of the Company's forts on the coast. He informed us the brig left Nass about the first of October, but had been delayed by con- trary winds, and rougty boisterous weather. Thus the voy- age which usually requires but about eight days for its per- formance occupied upwards of two months. They had been on an allowance of a pint of water per day, and had suffered considerably for fresh provisions. Mr. Ogden remained with us but a short time, and we stood out past the cape". One further item regarding the three and one-half years on the coast is w T orth mentioning. It was then that the first circulating library of the Pacific Coast was started. The record is that the Gentlemen of the coasting trade contributed to a fund and had brought from England the latest books and magazines and circulated them from one post to another. In his journal Dr. Tolmie speaks of receiving from Mr. Ogden the Life of Edmund Burke and Franklin's First Journeys to the North. Mr. Townsend was a trifle in error as to Ogden being then a chief factor, but it was only a month later that he arrived at that honor. The parchment showing his ap- pointment is dated at H. B. House, London, January 1st, 1835. The promotion was accompanied with the assignment, to the command of the New Caledonia District with head- quarters at Fort St. James on Lake Stuart ; the post established by Simon Fraser in 1806. This district extended from the Coast Range eastward, and included all streams drained by the Fraser river. As a young man Mr. Ogden is described as being a little below medium height and broad between shoulders and hips, but very muscular and quick in action, such a man as it would be unpleasant to line up against in a foot ball match. When in the Snake country he had complained of being reduced to skin and bones by the life there, which was calculated to make