Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/392

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362 Peter Skene Ogden Journal, 1827-1828 Sunday 22nd. Camped opposite Wayer's (Wazer's) 1 River; commenced guarding our horses. Wednesday 25th. Trappers report traps of strangers set along this river. Shortly after an American by name Johnson appeared and informed us he and 5 others were on this stream. Their party consists of 40 men with a band of Nez Perces working in the direction Mr. McKay has taken. My sanguine hopes of beaver here are blasted. I shall send Sylvaille with 5 men to Payette's River; and proceed to Burnt and Day's River. En- camped in company with the Americans. The trappers were in every direction in quest of beaver. The Americans will not part with one. 2 Saturday 28th. Our traps gave but one otter. Before all were raised it was 10 A. M. Advanced south on the fork. 3 The Americans in- formed me it was their intention to follow me to the Columbia. I informed them I could not offer them better terms than my own men had. With this they were satisfied. Sunday 6th Oct. Reached Reed's River. 4 I have little hope as the American trappers are everywhere. Thursday 10th Oct. Only 8 beaver, consequently no longer necessary for us to remain. It was from Wazer's, Payette's and this river we ex- pected our returns and they have produced only 140 beaver. I must now reach another quarter after junction with Mr. Mc- Kay. Course s. from Reed's River. , Sunday 13th Oct. reached Prairie de Camasse, a fine stream discharging in Reed's River; course south. It is from near this point the 1 The Weiser river. 2Rather far west to find so many Amer. trappers and Mr. Ogden thinks of turning back in disgust, but decides finally to keep on. 3 Snake river. 4The Boise river, first called Reed's river after John Reed of the Pac. Fur Company.