Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/407

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Peter Skene Ogden Journal, 1827-1828 377 have doubled day and night guard owing to the Blackfeet across the river. Wednesday 23rd. Encamped on Blackfoot Hills. Thursday 24th. Have completed our 2nd M of beaver, independent of Mc- Kay's success. If no accident happens Sylvaille's part, I might reach Vancouver with 4000. I have only 16 men and dare not go to the source of these streams. Friday 25th Ap. Fine weather at last, 2 of the trappers arrived having nar- rowly escaped the Blackfeet. I wish to God McKay's party would make their appearance, and relieve my anxiety. Shd. an accident happen us all is lost. Sunday 27 Apr. Crossed Blackfoot Hills and camped opposite side Black- foot River near to discharge in south branch. From the top of Blackfoot Hill I could see plainly the Barren Plains of Three Knobs and entrance of Day's Defile no appearance of snow. At a loss to account for McKay's delay. Tuesday 6 May. Began retracing steps for Ft. Vancouver from entrance of Blackfoot River. Heard 5 shots across river, sent to recon- noitre and found 5 of McKay's men who reported that gentle- man 5 miles distant. They have been detained by snow. Thursday 8th. McKay and party arrived with 440 beaver. This strengthens us against the Blackfeet. Saturday 10th May. Fine weather; saw the track of a large band of horses and suspect the Blackfeet have stolen them from the Americans. The day guard called to arms and at a distance we saw an armed party on horseback making for our camp. In a second we were in readiness and having secured horses advanced to