Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/423

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Peter Skene Ogden Journal. 1828-1829 393 Sunday n Ap. Reached the place where we left this river last fall. Three of the absent trappers arrived with 57 beaver. Tuesday 13 Apr. Continued our course down the river to within a mile of Paul's Grave where we found the other trappers with 50 beaver. We shall steer our course in quest of Sandwich Island River 4 days travel from Unknown River. All the Indians say we shall find beaver there. Paul's grave examined. All safe. Thursday 15 April: Crossed mtns. and plain and reached the junction of the forks of Sandwich Island River. Trappers took 32 beaver. Sunday 2nd May : Sandwich Island River has disappointed us in beaver. I must retrace our way to Unknown River. Saturday 7th May : Before starting this day, I learned 2 Indians who accom- panied us from the Columbia started last night on a horse thieving expedition. Hunting to-day they discovered tracks of horses and are gone in pursuit to rejoin us in 4 days. They stand a chance of losing their lives. Sunday 8th. Followed down Unknown River. Keep most strict watch day and night on our horses. The Snakes on this river dress in beaver skin. Trappers brought in 41 beaver. We require 300 to complete our 2nd M. The horse thieving Indians have come back, having been pursued and compelled to abandon the 5 horses they stole. Country is level as far as the eye can see. I am at a loss to know where this river discharges. Sunday 15th May : Started at dawn to escape the heat, the journey over beds of sand the horses sinking half leg deep, the country level tho' at distance hilly — course S. W. The Indians are not