Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/429

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maining or removing under the present distracted state of the country I advised him to remove leaving a party of Indians on whom he could rely and who speak the English language to remain in charge of the Establishment and he would have started the same day I left it. I trust this arrangement will meet with your approbation under existing circumstances could not conscientiously give any other.

I duly received your friendly letter per Mr. Stanley but at present my thoughts are not sufficiently composed to make a suitable reply. The measles and dysentery were raging at Van- couver when I took my departure. 210 were on the sick list but fortunately not a death in other respects all quiet may I request you will give this every facility to reach Colville and with my kind regard to all the inmates of your hospitable Mission I remain yours truly

(Signed) Peter Sken Ogden.

From Dr. Whitman's mission, 6 men, 8 women, 37 children. From Mr. Spaulding's mission, 4 men, 2 women, 3 children.[1]

  1. This statement of numbers of the rescued, if written by Mr. Ogden, was written with a different pen and in much smaller letters. — S. T. Walker.