Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/46

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40 Frederick V. Holman these are a very miserable set, who live in holes in the ground, not unlike a clay oven, in order to keep warm. They are too lazy to cut wood for their fires." Rev. Daniel Lee says in his book, "Ten Years in Oregon," that he and Rev. H. K. W. Perkins went to The Dalles in March, 1838, to establish a mission there. He made his home there for more than two years. While he gives the names of other Indian tribes, he refers to the local Indians at the mis- sion only as "the Dalls Indians." Dr. Elijah White, on page 192 of his book, "Ten Years in Oregon," says that on Decem- ber 25, 1843, ne reached Wascopum, meaning the Methodist mission at The Dalles. Rev. Gustavus Hines in his book, "Oregon," says of these Indians, under date of May 5, 1843 (page 159) : "They are known by the name of the Wasco Indians, and they call their country round the Dalls, Wasco- pam," but on page 143 he calls them the Wascopam, Indians, and, on page 151, he says they belong to the Wasco pam tribe. De Saint- Amant, an Envoy of the French Government, made a trip to Oregon in 185 1-2. His book, "Voyages en Californie et dans Oregon," was published in Paris in 1854. On page 241, in enumerating Indian tribes east of the Cas- cade Mountains, he mentions the Wascos, and, on page 282, he writes of arriving at the mission of the Wascos. In 1852 there was published at Portland by S. J. McCor- mick an anonymous dictionary of the Chinook jargon. A copy of the second edition, published in 1853, is in the pos- session of the Oregon Historical Society. On page 14, in an enumeration of Indians the Wascoes are mentioned. In Arm- strong's "Oregon," page in, he writes of these Indians as the Dalles tribe. Elizabeth Laughlin Lord, wife of Wentworth Lord, Esq., of Dalles City, wrote a very interesting book entitled "Reminiscences of Eastern Oregon." It was published in Portland in 1903. She came to what is now Dalles City with her father and mother in the immigration of 1850. The only place she mentions the name of the Wasco Indians is on page