Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/78

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72 Frederick V. Holman Meridian thence south along the township line to the south- east corner of township three south, range ten east of Willam- ette Meridian, thence west along the south line of township three south, range ten east and said line extended along the south side of township three south, range nine east of Willam- ette Meridian, to the summit of the Cascade Mountains, and the line between Clackamas and Wasco counties ; thence north- erly along the summit of the Cascade Mountains and along the line between Clackamas and Wasco, and between Mult- nomah and Wasco counties to the middle of the channel of the Columbia River and the northwest corner of Wasco County; thence in a general easterly course along the center of the channel of the Columbia river to the place of beginning." (General Laws of 1909, page 39). Jackson County. "Beginning at the southwest corner of Umpqua county; thence running due east to the northwest corner of Douglas county ; thence southerly along the western boundary line of Douglas county to the southwest corner of said county ; thence easterly along the southern boundary of said Douglas county, to the southeast corner thereof ; thence in a southeast direction to the eastern extremity of Rogue river valley; thence due south to the boundary line between Oregon and California; thence due west along said boundary line to the Pacific coast ; thence northerly along the coast to the point of beginning." (Local Laws of 1851-2, page 19). Josephine County. "All that portion of Jackson county embraced within the following limits, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of township No. (32) thirty-two, range No. (5) five west, being the southern boundary of Douglas county; thence west along the dividing ridge separating the waters of Cow creek from those of Rogue and Coquille rivers, to the northeast