Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/81

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History of the Counties of Oregon 75 Champoeg and east of Benton county be and the same is hereby called Linn county." (General and Special Laws of 1843-9, page 55)- Malheur County. "Beginning at a point on the boundary line between the State of Oregon and Nevada, which is at the southeast corner of Grant county, in the State of Oregon ; thence north on the line between Grant county and Baker county to the first angle corner in the east line of said Grant county; thence north on range line between ranges 36 and 37 east to the summit of the Burnt River mountains, in township 15 south of range 36 east; thence easterly and following the summit of said Burnt River mountains to the intersection of the south boundary line of township 14 south of range 43 east ; thence east on the said south boundary line of township 14 to the middle channel of Snake river, between the State of Oregon and the Territory of Idaho ; thence up the meanderings of said Snake river on the line between Oregon and Idaho to the mouth of the Owyhee river on said line; thence south on the line between Oregon and Idaho to the north line of the State of Nevada ; thence west on the north line of Nevada to the place of beginning." (General Laws of 1887, page 138). Marion County. Originally named Champooick District, with the following description : "Bounded on the north by a supposed line drawn from the mouth of the Anchiyoke River, running due east to the Rocky Mountains, west by the Willamette, or Multnomah River, and a supposed line running due south from said river to the parallel of 42 °, north latitude; south by the boundary line of the United States and California, and east by the summit of the Rocky Mountains." "Approved by the people, July 5th, 1843." ("Oregon Archives," page 26).