Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/87

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History of the Counties of Oregon.

ship thirteen south to the east boundary of range twenty-three east; thence south on the said east boundary of range twenty-three east to the south boundary of township fourteen south; thence east on said south boundary to the east boundary of range twenty-five east; thence north on said range line between ranges twenty-five and twenty-six east to the north boundary of Grant county; thence west on the north boundary of Grant county to the east boundary of range twenty-four east; thence north on the said east boundary to a point which is one mile south of the first standard parallel south; thence west along the section lines one mile south of said first standard parallel south to the center of the main channel of the John Day's river; thence up the center of the main channel of the said John Day's river to a point where it is crossed by the west boundary of range twenty east; thence south on said west boundary of range twenty east to the place of beginning." (General Laws of 1899, page 51).

Yamhill District Or County.

"Second district, to be called the Yamhill District, embracing all the country west of the Willamette, or Multnomah, River and a supposed line running north and south from said river, south of the Yamhill River to the parallel of 42° north latitude, or the boundary line of the United States and California, and east of the Pacific Ocean." ("Oregon Archives", page 26).