Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/335

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CALHOUN AS SECRETARY OF WAR 327 In April, 1824, Adams again wrote that precedent and popu- larity "was the bent of his (Calhoun's) mind. The primary prin- ciples involved in any public question are the last that occur to him. What has been done and what will be said are the Jachin and Boaz of his argument." 10 ^ It was even asserted by Niles that these cabinet members worked to promote their own interests RELATIONS rather than those of their country. 110 BETWEEN THE Mr. Von Hoist in his "Life of John C. ATTACKS ON Calhoun," writes that "The Presidency CALHOUN AND was at the bottom of these acrimonious His CANDIDACY bickerings" against the Secretary of War. 111 This was undoubtedly true after December of 1821, when Calhoun first declared his intention to be a candidate for the Presidency, and serves to explain the atacks on the military and Indian appropriations in 1822. 112 However, the speeches of Mr. Williams of North Carolina, against Calhoun's reports in 1819 and the early part of 1821, must have been prompted by some other motives, for Calhoun's future aspirations could hardly have been known at that time. 113 Newspapers played an important part in the election of 1824. Four of the Washington papers supported NEWSPAPER three of the candidates. The "National PARTISANSHIP Journal" worked for Mr. Adams, the "National Intelligencer," and "Washing- ton Gazette" favored Crawford. Calhoun"s paper was the "Washington Republican," 114 while in the north, the New York "Patriot," the "Franklin Gazette" and "Boston Galaxy" were trying to make him President. 115 109 Ibid., 177. 1 10 Niles' Register, XXIV, 337. in Von Hoist, John C. Calhoun, 53. The failure of the Yellowstone Expedi- tion, mentioned in III, was used against Calhoun in this election. Turner, F. J. Rise of the New West. Am. Nation Series, 126. 1 12 House of Representatives, Journal, i7th Cong., ist Sess.., 620. Adams, J. Q. Memoirs, V, 466-468. Annals of Congress, isth Cong., 2nd Sess., Ill, 1155. Annals of Congress, i6th Cong., 2nd Sess., Ill, 767. 113 Annals of Congress, isth Cong., 2nd Sess., Ill, 1155. Annals of Congress, i6th C Niles' Register, XXII, 9-10. 1 14 Niles' Register, XXIV, 178. 115 Adams, J. Q. Memoirs, VI, 244-5.