Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/392

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384 GOVERNOR GEORGE SIMPSON LETTER Notwithstanding the wanf of capital among the Willamette population you appear to have done good business there during the past year, more especially so as it has been conducted on the principle of prompt payment from which there ought to be no deviation. I was quite surprised by the picturesque and respectable appearance of your city at the Falls, exhibited in a sketch by Mr. Kane, the doctor's mills form a very con- spicuous object. I should be glad to learn how they are likely to turn out. Your furlough came round this season but as you have not availed yourself thereof, lest your absence might be attended with inconvenience to the service, which is exceedingly con- siderate and laudable, care will be taken that leave of absence or change of rotation will be obtained for you in 1850 should you desire it; it would be well to apprise me next year if you be really determined to go in '50 in order that some other gentleman may be provided to fill your place. It affords me great satisfaction to learn by letters from Mr. McMellan this spring (conveying very favorable reports of Mrs. McMellan & their family) they have it in view to come out to Canada next year in order to take up their quarters at Point Fortune; indeed I think they would have been out this year had he been able to dispose of his place in the neighbor- hood of Perth to advantage. I am full of business, being about taking my departure for Canada, which will account for the brevity of this communi- cation and hoping to have the pleasure of hearing from you next season. Believe me to be, My Dear Sir, Very truly yours, G. SIMPSON.