Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/399

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INDEX TO VOL. XIII Address of Canadian citizens, reasons for fixing date of, in 1844, 151-9. Agricultural statistics of Willamette Valley settlers, 1836-7, 210. Amendment, thirteenth to constitution of the United States, ratified by the Oregon legislature, 44. American civil government organiza- tion, sixty-ninth anniversary of cele- brated, 225. Argus, Oregon, attacks Bush because of his change of attitude toward the Lincoln Administration, 18-19; in No- vember, 1863, is consolidated with the Statesman under the name of Statesman, 20. Astoria Citizens' Memorial protesting proposed removal of distributing post office and port of entry, 385-7. ASTORIANS, THE TRAIL OF THE, 227-39. B Baker County, centennial of the arrival of the first white men in, 85-6. BARLOW ROAD, THE, 287-96. BARLOW ROAD, experiences in the open- ing of the, 261-76; making of the, in 1846, 280-1. BARLOW, SAMUEL KIMBROUGH, 248-50; 288-92. BARLOW, WILLIAM, REMINISCENCES OF SEVENTY YEARS, 240-86. BROWN, BERIAH, editor of the "Johnson Organ," 55-6; 60. BUSH, ASAHEL, in Statesman changes attitude toward administration, 16-20; retires from editorship of Statesman, 20. c CALHOUN, JOHN C., AS SECRETARY^ OF WAR, 1817-25, 297-337; his adminis- tration and reduction of the Army, 304-9; his report on military roads and fortifications, 310-3; his adminis- tration of Indian affairs, 313-7; his connection with Seminole War and annexation of Florida, 317-24; as candidate for president, 324-9; per- sonality of, 329-34. CALHOUN, JOHN C., as Congressman, 300-3. Canadian Settlers of the Willamette Valley, address of, on proposed po- litical organization, translation of, 338-40; original text of, 341-3; fac- simile of (insertion) between 338-9. CLAY, HENRY, 246-8. CONDON. THOMAS, research work of, provides material for picture of pre- historic Oregon, 2. Copperhead conspiracy, fear of out- break of, 36. CORBETT, H. W., elected United States Senator, 58-9. Corvallis Union (Malone), attacks Bush, 19-20. CROOKS, RAMSAY, 73; 227-8; 234-9. DEADY, MATTHEW P., his characteriza- tion of George H. Williams, 34-5; though a pro-slavery democrat at opening of war votes for Lincoln in 1864; on the political situation, 1865, 52; writes to Nesmith on Oregon situation, 57; his "scrap book" as a source of Oregon history, 67. Democratic State Convention, 1864, 31; state convention, platform and nomi- nations, 1866, 48-50; convention of 1868, 60-2. Democrats, Union, 18-19; in fall of 1863, 23. DORION, MADAME, mother of first white child born in Eastern Oregon, 75. Elections, result of, 1864, 33; result of, 1866, 50-1; result of, 1868, 64; Ore- gon vote in the presidential election, 1860, 70. Emigrant train, 1842, 350. Express service, introduction of into Oregon, 1852, 357-8. FISKE'S, JOHN, CHANGE OF ATTITUDE ON THE WHITMAN LEGEND, 160-74. Fur Trade, the lure of, 72. GILLIAM, CORNELIUS, appointed postal agent for Oregon Country in 1847, 357; accidentally killed at Well Springs, March, 1848, while com- manding Oregon forces in Cayuse War, 357. H HARDING, BENJAMIN F., though sup- porter of Lincoln administration is dropped by Republicans, 33. HENDERSON, J. H. D., nominated for Congressman, 29. History building for Indiana, 87; his- torical society buildings discussed in conference of historical societies, 87. Hudson's Bay Company's system of communicating intelligence, 348-9. HUNT, WILSON PRICE, 72-3; 228-39. I Immigration of 1843, 118-9. Indians of the Pacific Northwest, their methods of communicating intelli- gence, 347-8. Indian statistics, 200-2. JACOBS, ORANGE, candidate for congress in Union party, 28. Knights of the Golden Circle, 22.