Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 14.djvu/250

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Tributes to H. W. Scott's Achievements

Boise Statesman: He was one of those rugged natures that are typical of the West. He was a soldier in the army of the common good and was always found i'n the smoke and grime of battle.

Butte News: If the history of American journalism is ever written, Harvey Scott will form the subject of a most interesting chapter.

Los Angeles Times: When Harvey W. Scott passed away one of the great lights of journalism went out. He was a great editor in every sense of the word.

San Francisco Argonaut: Mr. Scott won and held leadership in the intellectual and moral life of Oregon by a fortified wisdom and by an unshrinking courage. His was the journalism of social responsibility, and of the spirit of statecraft.

Idaho Falls Register: He rose to the top as one of the ablest and foremost journalists of the world.

Salt Lake Republican: No other editorial writer in the West, and few, indeed, in the whole country, have been read so closely as Harvey Scott.

Salt Lake News: American journalism has lost one of its most brilliant lights. The Oregonian is a monument to his character.

Salt Lake Telegram: His voice has been the most potent ever raised within her (Oregon's) borders. He has done more to shape the character of the state than any other man.

Salt Lake Tribune: Mr. Scott made himself a power on the West Coast. The whole country will feel poorer because he is dead.