I doe solemnly swear that the above act is substancealy correct and Remaines unpaid
So help me God
Sworn and subscribed to before me this llday of July A. D 1845
J. W. Nesmith Judge of probate
Received of J W Nesmith one hundred and nineteen dollars and 55/100 in full of all demands against the Estate of Ewing Young
July llth A. D. 1845 S. SmITH
[Claim of Lawrence Carmichael]
This is to certify that Lawrence Carmichael appeared before me and declared upon oath that Ewing Young deceased late of Wallamett O. T. and himself never had any settlement of their business.
And said Lawrence Carmichael further declares that his de- mands on the estate of Ewing Young (deceased) are as fol- lows viz. The one half of 120 bushels white wheat 48 bus. red ditto. 60 bus. Peas. 2 acres corn (the number of bushels not recollected) 1J acres Potatoes (the number of bushels not recollected) 4 acres Oats in the straw, said to be 10 acres Barley, the number of bushels not recollected. Together with one half of the Farm, and all improvements.
Given under my hand this 27 day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.
Lawrence Carmichael
I hereby certify that the aforesaid Lawrence Carmichael tes- tified to the truth of the contents of the above and did in my presence also affix his name to the same.
Mds A. Doenen
U. S. Ship Dale Commander