seamen laid by, with the Scurvey, their mouths and legs are very bad. 10
30. Both by Meridian and Double Altitudes N. Latt. Sff ; W. Long. 119 59^; Azi. 5 15' E. Porpoises and Bonnetto round together with Tropic Birds and Boobies.
May 2. N. Latt. 3 26'; W. Long. 121 45'; Azi. 6 28' E. Sharks round, and Boobies. This day took the NE trade wind.
3. N. Latt. 4 38'; W. Long. 122 42*; Azi. 6 52* E. Squally weather porpoises round and many birds, on the wing.
8. N. Latt. 12 34' ; W. Long. 128 5' ; Fresh trade winds. Saw a turtle.
13. N. Latt. 20 7'; W. Long. 132 44'; Azi. 9 1' E. Fresh trade winds. Porpoises round. Weather pleasant.
15. N. Latt. 23 9*; W. Long. 132 33'; Azi. 9 47' E. Steady trade winds and very pleasant. Scurvy making progress.
17. N. Latt. 25 35'; W. Long. 133 43'; Azi. 9 45' E. Fresh trade winds and generally pleasant weather.
19. N. Latt. 27 38'; W. Long. 134 15'; Azi. 10 41'. Do. Do. 7 Men off duty with the scurvy, their Gums is quite putrid, and legs as big round as their bodies and quite numb, ( the worst of Complaints ! ! ) .
24. N. Latt. 34 9*; W. Long. 135 33'; Amp'd 12 20* E. This day lost the NE trades, and immediately took the wind from the westward.
31. N. Latt. 46 47'; W. Long. 125 50'; Azi. 17 20' E. Have had generally fresh breezes and cool weather since 24th with the winds generally from SW. Many birds round, among the rest some that look'd like Plovers. 6 People extreme bad, with the scurvy.
June 4. N. Latt. 49 10*; W. Long. 120 21'. This day made the land, on the NW. Coast of the American Conri-
10 Strangely enough, Hoskins makes no mention of the appearance of the curvy until aoth, May, when he records "the scurvy began to make its appear- ance on one of the people." Eight uays later he adds that six of our people (arc) confin'd with the scurvy."